Our Rights Respecting Mascot

Our Rights Respecting Mascot We held a competition for the children at Balornock Primary to design a Rights Respecting Mascot for our school. We had two winning entries. Our winning designs were created by Daniel Ferguson and Alisha McKnight. We have combined both of their designs to create Bal-B – our Rights Respecting Mascot. Bal-B is on display throughout our school. Bal-B – Our Rights Respecting Mascot Here is what

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Health Week Zumbathon

We had a fantastic time at Zumba during our Health Week. We would like to say a big thank you to Carole our Zumba instructor who got us moving and grooving and learning some new moves.  Even our dinner ladies joined in.    

Health Week – Wake Up Shake Up

We have had a fantastic week at Wake Up Shape Up. The turnout has been brilliant. Pupils and staff were left feeling energised and ready for the day of hard work ahead. Wake Up Shake Up Wednesdays will start on Wednesday the 24th of May at 8.30am. All pupils, parents and carers are welcome.

Health Week @ Balornock Primary School

This week is Health Week at Balornock Primary. We will be focusing all our learning on a range of health matters including stranger danger, summer sun safety, internet safety, physical and emotional health and sexual health and relationships. Classes throughout the school will have the opportunity participate in increased physical activity during Health Week including a local walk and taster sessions in Zumba, Football, Boxing and Orienteering. As some of our

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New Eco Mascot

All of the boys and girls in Balornock Primary worked hard to create upcylced mascots as part of eco week last week. Take a look at some of our superb models. Well done everyone!     Each class then voted on which mascot they wanted to go onto the final, where the eco council will decide which upcylced model is Balornock’s new eco mascot.  Here are the models that are in the

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Literacy Week @ Balornock Primary

We have had an amazing Literacy Week at Balornock Primary. The boys and girls have taken part in a variety of Literacy based activities including library visits, author readings, paired reading and storytelling. The children have also carried out a number of literacy based writing activities in class including authors plans, story retells and book reviews. Lots of these activities were shared and celebrated at our Literacy Week assembly led

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Earth Hour 2017 Photography Competition

This year Glasgow City Council launched a photography competition for Earth Hour 2017. Boys and girls across the city were asked to take photographs of what they would like to change in their local environment that would make their community more eco friendly. Primary 5 would like to reduce traffic in our local area, create more green space, educate our local community about the importance of keeping our environment clean

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