All posts by gw14andreuccettimarialuisa@glow

Outdoor Learning Week

We were looking for different creatures in the trees so that we could tell Steven why he shouldn’t chop the tree down (Aamira)

We made posters for our peaceful protest. We used them to try and convince Steven not to chop down our tree (Yahya)

We made up a chant and said it loudly so that people could join us and Steven could hear. (Alisha)

In gym we were doing races outside. We had to run and collect a piece of building block with our team colour in it and then run back. (Ghaith)

We counted 115 trees in our playground. We wrote a letter to tell the Lorax. (Aydin & Hooriah)

We learned how to write letters. We put our address in the corner. (Lily)

We made butterflies that were symmetrical. That means each side looks the same. (Haadiya & Arfa)

We were learning about tens and units. We were collecting sticks to show the units and leaves to show the tens. (Iman)