Our week’s Work!

This week Primary 2 have been learning and having fun together.

We have been learning to up-level a sentence. If you have a very short sentence you can add words into it to make it longer. (Lily)

We have been learning about the river Clyde. (Ayesha)

We have been learning to count odd and even number. 1 is an odd number and 4 is an even number. (Laiba)

This week we have been writing sentences in our jotters. (Hooriah)

We have been learning the stories of 20. For example 18 + 2 = 20. (Hafsa Saeed)

We have been learning about the river Clyde boats and how they made them at the river Clyde. (Haadiya)

Ship building happened at the famous river Clyde. They still build ships at the river Clyde. (Muaaz)

We have been watching films about people making the tall ship and other boats at the Clyde. (Ghaith)

We made up river Clyde monsters who swim under the water. (Aiyla)

We have been learning to do sums in mental maths. (Ahmed)

When the ship builders finished building the boats, they set them into a pool on the river to check if they could float. (Aydin)

We have been learning how the river Clyde made Scotland and Scotland made the river Clyde. (Ghaith)

We have been learning how to give compliments to each other. (Maryam)


Primary 2s Learning!

This week in school Primary 2’s brains have been growing every day!

We have been learning how to draw the Armadillo. (Arfa)

We have been learning about the Armadillo building… it is at the river Clyde. (Aimee)

In the Armadillo they put on shows and concerts. (Laiba and Hafsa)

We’ve been learning about the River Clyde Song. (Aamira)

This week was storytelling week. (Aydin) We have been writing a story about the river Clyde monster. (Abdul)

We have been learning about the armadillo creature. (Hafsa Saeed)

I have learned that the river Clyde has a source, the river bank, the river bed and a mouth. (Muaaz)

We have been learning about odd and even numbers in mental maths. (Ahmed)

We have been learning about Twiggle and his pictures that

I wrote a story about a good river Clyde monster. (Aiyla)

I have been learning to talk out loud. I am getting more confident. (Nurjenna)

We hope you all have a nice week.


From Primary 2.