Our Great Week!

This week we have been doing lots of learning.

We have been learning to write numbers in Maths and we have been playing in in the playground. And we were looking at butterflies that we found. (Yaya)

We were looking at butterflies and they were orange, black, red and white. They were beautiful. (Iman)

We found wasps and bees next to our tree that fell down. I saw the butterfly mum next to the tree that fell down. (Qasim and Ahmed)

We have been learning about units, tens and 100 squares. (Haadiya)

We have been making words with letters. (Mohammed)

We have been learning with Geraldine Giraffe. She has been helping us learn letters and sounds. (Aydin)

We have been learning to count in 2s and we have been doing adding sums. (Aamira)

We have been learning about counting in 10s. (Hafsah Saeed)

We have been learning about odd and even numbers. (Arfa)

We have been learning how to write. (Hafsah Anwar)

We were learning how to do sums. We know how to do 5 add 5 and count on the 100 square. (Muuaz)

We were learning about sounds. (Abdul)

We have been learning how to write sentences. Sentences need a capital letter, a full stop and a finger space. (Hirrah)

We have been learning how to be good in school. We play nicely. (Alisha)

We have been learning to say sorry if we do something wrong. (Maakeal)

We have been learning about tens and units. We had to get a tens and units board and use tens and units to solve sums. (Lily)

In P.E. and in the playground we have been learning to play games. (Laiba)

We have been learning to write instruction. Instructions need a title, you have to show what you need and you have to write what you do. (Hooriah and Lily)




A Great Start to the New Year!

In Primary 2 we have been enjoying making new friends. (Hafsah Saeed)

We have been learning how to read words. (Ghaith)

We have been learning how to sort colours. (Mohammed)

We read a story about Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. We collected sticks and made stick men like the stick man in the story. (Yaya)

We have been learning about how to share with our friends. (Qasim)

In gym we were learning how to throw and catch the ball. (Abdul)

My favourite part of the stick man story is when he came back to his family (Ahmed)

I liked writing the instructions about how to make a stick man. You have to have a title for instructions. (Hafsah Anwar)

To make your own stick man you need googly eyes, pipe cleaners and used feathers for hair. (Haadiya)

In maths we were learning about pattern. A pattern is when you have a colours like one purple one grey and then do it again and again.(Aamira)

We went out to the playground to search for sticks to make our own stick man. (Laiba)

We have been learning all about the numbers to 100. (Wael)

This week we have been learning the sound oa (Hirrah)

We have been using a 100 square to practise counting. (Muaaz)

Geraldine the Giraffe has been helping us to learn our letters. She makes videos that show us the different things that have our sound in them (Aydin)

I been learning to share the things we have in our classroom. (Iman)


Welcome to our Blog!

Thank you for visiting our blog . We are the wonderful Primary 2 class of 2018/2019. Our teacher is Mrs Hunter-Andreuccetti. We have had a great start to the year and we are enjoying getting to know each other as we work and learn together. Keep following our blog for regular updates and photos of us having lots of fun.

From Primary 2.