All posts by Mrs Tweed

30 June 2022

Wishing all our families a very happy and safe summer.  We have had a lovely last morning at the local Parish church celebrating achievements, music and our P7 leavers.  We await the arrival of our pipers as our P7s leave for the final time.  All children have been gifted a sweet treat bag to take home, courtesy of our amazing Parent Council.

Thank you for a great first year as head teacher of Tayport Primary and Ferryport Nursery.  We are lucky to have such a strong and compassionate staff team who are here to make a difference and to ensure all your children are on TRACK to a bright future.

Over the holidays if you need to contact me please do so via email:

I will be back on touch on the 15th or 16th of August with information about starting back on the 17th e.g. where to line up etc.

Thank you again, Mrs Tweed

Weekly Update – 27 June 2022

Thursday 30th June

End of Term Service – 10am at local Parish Church:

  • All classes will be seated in church before any visitors are allowed in. Your child must stay with their class at all times.
  • The P7s will perform their Leavers’ Song and the Norcross Community Shield and Alison Johnstone Memorial Cup for Overall Progress and Achievement will be awarded.
  • At the end of the service please allow all classes to depart before leaving your seat.

Please remember school lunches are only offering a cheese or ham roll on Thursday.

3pm – This year when the final bell goes the P7s will exit the Sports Hall door. All the other classes will create a pathway from the sports hall steps for the P7s to walk through, all the way to the top playground (at the main entrance).

The simple map below will give you an idea where your child’s class will be as they will be dismissed from the playground once the P7s have passed.

  • P7 parents have organised for two pipers to lead the P7 procession. This will be very loud so parents may wish to keep younger children back.

August – when we return in August P1-7 pupils should be wearing school uniform.  Children will continue to wear sportswear on gym days. Please can this be plain black or grey tracksuit bottoms and a red or white plain t-shirt.  Click here for school uniform reminders Please put children’s names on all items please.


Ongoing issues with head lice. Please keep checking and combing!

Weekly Update – 20 June 22

Sharing Our Learning – today 1:45 – 2:45pm.  Click here for the details

Tuesday 21st June from 11am – our network is being upgraded and therefore we will have no phones or internet from 11am.  An email was sent last week with details of how to contact school, in case of emergency only, during this time –  07872699253.

Sports Day Thanks – we really are fortunate to belong to such a generous community.  Special mentions and thanks to:

Medals – The Tayport Arms.
The Fruit – Lawson’s Letting Agency.
The Water – CJ Lang.
The Mill Family – Scott Mill Memorial Shield.
Tayport Football Club – The Facilities

The Summer Reading Challenge is almost upon us and this year it is Gadgeteers which follows a STEM theme. Kids again will be encouraged to keep their reading going throughout the holidays and visit the library to sign up for FREE. They will be asked to read 6 books for the challenge and will get prizes at each stage and a goody bag at the end for completing. The challenge starts on Sat 25th June. As well as the challenge we will have STEM themed Storytimes and crafts as well as other activities thought the summer in our libraries.



Weekly Update: 13 June 2022

Sports Day – An enormous thank you to the Parent Council for organising  and leading our sports day last week.

Football Festival at Leuchars Primary – a group of p6 and 7 boys and girls proudly represented Tayport Primary at a football festival last week.  While they did not win the festival they worked very well together and showed great sportsmanship.

Sharing Our Learning Event – Please click the link below for details.  We have had to change the arrangements to P1-7 all visiting on Monday 20th June as we have just been informed that on Tuesday 21st our school network is being upgraded from 11am meaning we will have no internet or phones.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Sharing our Learning 20 June 22

Weekly Update – 31 May 2022

School Uniform – We would like to see a return to all pupils wearing school uniform in August.  Details about our school uniform can be viewed here .  Core uniform items e.g. skirts, trousers, shirts can be purchased in many high street stores. If you wish items with our school badge, BE Uniform shop has updated items online click here or items can be ordered/purchased in their Dundee store.  On gym days we request that children wear simple unbranded  black/ red or grey sportswear.

Parent Portal  – we have shared information around the Parent Portal over the past year.  Click here for further information  you will also receive an email showing you how to sign up.

Jubilee Reminders – special school picnic box lunch on 1 June. Dress down in red/white/blue fundraiser (bring a £1), for CHAS and Cash for Kids on 2 June.

Sports Day – Thursday 9th June – 9:30 – lunchtime.  If possible, children should wear house colours. Back up date: Friday 10th June.

Ardroy pre-trip information evening – 31 May at 6:30 pm on Teams. Link has been emailed

Konnect and Kind Project – We are very excited to share that we will be part of Tesco’s community grant voting to see if we can access £1500 for this Health and Wellbing project.  Voting will commence in store from the first week of July 2022 and continue until 30th September 2022. Click here for all the details and how to help

Kit for All – Our active schools coordinator has asked us to ask you if you have any old but usable sportswear that you can donate on 13th and 14th June.  An email regarding this was sent on 30 May.

Visit our community page for details of Tayport Amateur Dramatic and Musical Society’s upcoming Performance at the Bonar Hall, Dundee. click here

May/June Nursery newsletter is available now. click here


Weekly Update – 24 May 2022

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – on 1 June there will be a “special” cold picnic boxed school dinner to mark the Jubilee. You can go onto Ipay to see the menu and order now.  On Thursday 2 June we will have a fundraiser dress down in red/white/blue for the Jubilee day. A small cash donation is requested from pupils and the School Captains have decided that the sum raised will be split between CHAS (children’s hospice) and Tayside and Fife’s Cash for Kids.  School is closed Friday 3 and 6 June.

Sharing our learning  Save the dates – We would like to invite parents into school to share learning from this term.  P1 – 7 will be invited on Monday 20th June – 1:45 – 2:45 pm. We have had to change the date to all classes due to an unplanned network upgrade on Tues 21st June meaning we will have no phone or internet access from 11am. Apologies

World of Work Week (16-20 May) – Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this such an interesting and impactful week. twitter update

P7 Bake Sale – was a huge success on Friday 20th. The P7s were raising funds towards their Big Day Out. Well done everyone.

Head Lice – A number of classes have ongoing issues with head lice.  Click here for further NHS advice

Weekly Update – 17 May 2022

We had a Parent Council meeting this evening (17th) at 7:30 pm via Teams but it has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.  Contact details for the parent council can be found click here

Congratulations to our P4 dance group who came third in their category in the Fife Virtual Dance Championships 2022! Huge thanks to Mrs Simpson for training and bringing the entry altogether.

Last week 4 pupils represented Tayport at the cluster tennis tournament at St Andrews.  Well done to everyone involved!

Our World of Work Week kicked off yesterday with an interesting virtual input from one of our parents who is a 3D animator. The children were very interested to hear about this career and the skills learned in school, such as creative writing, art and model making that contributed to this.  We have a varied programme across the week with presentations to come from a prison officer, teacher, architect, depute procurator fiscal, assistant shop manager, and a head of marketing!   A few in person visits are also in place from local business Foodmek, a farmer from Kettle Produce and an animator.  It has been wonderful to connect with our families in this way.  Many thanks to all our presenters who are giving up their time this week to promote learning in this area.

As we begin to set our school improvement priorities for next year we would welcome your feedback on our curriculum. A very short survey was emailed to families yesterday.  Please let us know your thoughts, the survey will close on Friday 20th.

Weekly Update – 10 May 2022

Important Reminder – No Nuts in School – please ensure any snacks and lunches have no loose nuts or food items with whole nuts as a main ingredient e.g. snickers bars.  Across the school we have children with severe nut allergies and we need everyone to follow this guideline.

General security – at 9am the main office door is usually open to allow classes to enter. If any parent or carer needs to speak to the office staff please ring the bell (even if the door is open) and wait outside. Someone will come to you.

P7 Bake Sale – our primary 7s are organising a bake sale to raise some funds towards their leavers’ events in school.  There will be more information to follow but the sale is on Friday 20th May.

Tempest Photos – if you planned to send your photo orders for individual or sibling photos into  school they must be received today (Tuesday 10th) but you can still order directly online.  Class group photos to be taken on Wednesday 11th too – children should wear school uniform even if it is a gym day.

Thank you to all the families who have supported classes by accompanying them out on the Tayport Heritage Trail. It has been wonderful to get outdoors and into our community.

Weekly Update – 3 May 2022

Tempest Class Group Photos – has changed to Wednesday 11th May.  Please send children in school uniform, even if it is usually a PE day!

School Calendar updated Here

  • Inservice Day – Thursday 5th  – school closed to pupils.

School Uniform – as more routines get back to normal we ask that children return to wearing school uniform daily unless it is a class PE day when children should come dressed in suitable exercise clothes (no jeans or Football tops)  Click here for a reminder of uniform colours.  Our supplier (BE Uniforms) has contacted us to ask families to order school uniform early due to supply issues. This can be done online too:

Parent Council Meeting has moved to Tuesday 17th May, 7:30 pm on Teams

P3-6 Cluster Tennis Competition – Please read details and complete the form if interested: Complete form by 3pm on Friday 6th May

Community page updated with an Active Fife Walking challenge for the month of May: Click here