All posts by Mrs Tweed

Weekly Update – 17 November 2021

Antil-Bullying fortnight Please keep an eye on our Twitter feed for updates on our OneKindWord focus fortnight.  We have set up a new area on the website with helpful links and resources for parents which we will continue to add to. Click here to go to the anti-bullying section of our website

The staff and children are also trialling “Being Cool at Tayport School” scripts and we plan to share these is this area too once they are finalised.

Children in Need – Dress Down this Friday 19th.   Please donate £1 if you can.  We have created a Just Giving Page, directly linked to Children in Need, to avoid cash coming into school. If possible please donate here: click here to donate on just giving 

  • Please note £2 is the minimum donation on JustGiving. If you wish to donate less this, it is no problem, just send cash into school on Friday. Apologies for this inconvenience.

Parent Council Meeting on Teams on Thursday 18th November at 7:15pm.  Here is the Teams Link to join: Join parent council meeting 18 Nov at 7:15 pm

If you wish to contact the parent council go to their section of our website here

Our Community section of the website has information about the local toy drive and also some of our primary seven pupils laying our poppy wreath at the Tayport War Memorial. Later in the day a group of primary ones also visited the Memorial Garden to lay miniature poppies on crosses in the grounds. #lestweforget

An Ardroy 2022 Information evening has been arranged for current P6 families. Click here to find out more on the website.

Weekly Update – 8 November 2021

Ardroy – Miss Narauskaite, Miss Gallacher, Mrs Heggie and myself attended the first P7 Ardroy residential in over 2 years with 33 children last week. The trip was a huge success and provided unique learning experiences, not just physical activities such as abseiling, but also developing independence and life skills. I was very proud of everyone who attended, they supported one another, had great humour and fantastic manners throughout the week. I would also like to thank the staff who gave up their own time to make the trip possible. There are some photos on our Twitter feed:

November is always a busy time with important national events often overlapping each other. Here is a rundown of how we are doing things at Tayport this year!  There have been a few changes to dates so please check the calendar section of the website here

Flu Vaccine in school Tuesday 9th Nov

Poppies are for sale in school this week.

Inservice Day 3 – Friday 12th November – School closed to pupils.

Anti-Bullying fortnight commences Monday 15th November with an Odd Socks Day.  Children and adults should come to school sporting their oddest odd socks. No donations please as we are supporting Children in Need later in the week.

Over the fortnight the whole school will be sharing learning and key messages around bullying.  We will ask our families to join the ‘5 Days of Kindness’ challenge.  The ‘5 Days of Kindness’ challenge is a social media campaign which runs alongside Anti-Bullying Week. It’s a simple and impactful challenge for schools and everyone across Scotland to participate in to help share kindness – no matter how big or small, kindness helps to spread kindness. . By spreading kindness, we champion how kindness can halt hurtful behaviour in its tracks.

 Need some inspiration?: 

  • Donate to a foodbank
  • Start a conversation with someone new
  • Tell someone they are doing a good job
  • Hold a door open
  • Ask someone if they are okay

Children in Need – We have moved the dress down day for Children in Need to Friday 19th November. Please donate £1. We have created a Just Giving Page, directly linked to Children in Need, to avoid cash coming into school. If possible please donate here: Click here to go straight to Just Giving

Book Week Scotland also runs from 15 – 19th November. P1-3 will receive their Read, Write Count bags during this week.

Fundraiser – Calendar for 2022 – All children will contribute to designing a whole school monthly calendar which will be on sale shortly. The calendar is a month to view and in colour. It will cost £6. We plan to order 200 calendars and will be available on a first come basis.  More details to follow.

Weekly Update – 29 October 2021

Halloween: Tayport Primary children have been preparing Halloween art this week to hang in a window at home to create an informal Halloween trail.  Over the weekend, you may wish to get active as a family and spot the spooky pictures around the town (look up high at school and you might spot a spider or too!).

A Halloween goodie bags is coming home today. Children have been asked not to open these before you check the contents at home. All items are vegan. These have been generously prepared and filled by your Parent Council.  The next Parent Council meeting has been arranged on Teams on Thursday 18th November.  Click here to see Parent Council information on website

P7 Residential to Ardroy – 1-5 November – Mrs Tweed, Miss Gallacher, Miss Narauskaite and Mrs Heggie will accompany the learning visit to Ardroy. Mrs Peterson will be first point of contact for all parents during these dates.  The bus will depart from school at 9:00 am on Monday so we anticipate that the main entrance will be extra busy on Monday.  In our grounds all adults are politely reminded to wear a face mask and to maintain 1m distancing from each other.

Flu Vaccine – The Immunisation team continue to delivery flu vaccination in schools, if you haven’t returned your child’s consent form, please do so immediately.  Tayport’s session is on Tuesday 9th November.  If your child misses the school session, please contact the team on 01383 565456 to make an appointment at a community clinic. Evening clinics will be available the week of the 1st of November.

Calendar updatesClick here to see school calendar section of website


Wider Achievement News – August to October – 2021

Primary 7 pupils went out and about in our local community to spread the word about climate change., contributing to the local Tayport Climate Festival in September 2021. #COP26

We are very proud of Callie who had her very long hair cut to raise over £500 for the Little Princess Trust.

1 October 2021: We celebrated our many talented Tayport pupils who speak another language. Please enjoy:

Parent Update – 8 October 2021

To improve communication between school and home we have prioritised updating our school website.  Going forward this is where all school updates and general school information will be found. I hope to launch phase one of the website on our return to school week beginning 25 October.

School Calendar – please refer to the school calendar on this website which will be kept up to date.

Pokemon cards – we politely request that Pokeman cards are no longer brought into school as they are causing upset and distraction to many.

School Uniform – it is lovely to see the children looking so smart in red and black. It would be much appreciated if children wore school colours in unbranded items most days.  On PE days children should not wear jeans or Football strips/tops.

Water Bottles – Please send a full water bottle daily. We have many children asking for cups of water from the office which is interrupting learning. Bottles should contain only water, not juice (unless for medical reasons which we are aware of).

Taybridge Head Food Bank donations – Many thanks to those who donated to this worthwhile cause. The donation was gratefully received during Fife’s focus on poverty week.

Medication – parents must hand in any medicines to the office and not send in with the child for safety reasons. We also require permission forms to be completed before children can be given medicine by staff in school.

Staffing – Mrs Eilidh Green and Miss Cara Fearon join us after the break as Pupil Support Assistants.

Covid Safety – Fife schools continue to operate under Covid-19 mitigations. Please can you support this by:

–       Only parents of P1 and P2 children should be in the playground

–       Wearing a facemask at all times when you are in our playground

–       Ideally only one adult should collect a child from in the playground.

–       Not gathering at the side entrance in the morning or end of day.

Road Safety – A few members of our local community have raised concerns around pupils being unsafe on roads around Tayport, particularly when on bicycles. Please remind your child about safety expectations.

Lost Property – all lost property from term 1 will be bagged and available for any parents to check early in term 2.  Going forward primary 7s are going to try to improve the processes around matching lost property back with owners on a weekly basis.  Please put your child’s full name on all items.

Pupil Photographs – alternative options are currently being explored.

Playground improvements – Over the October break a fence and gated area is to be erected beside the sports hall extension. This is phase one of developing a safe outdoor learning space for P1-3.

Pupil Designed 2022 Calendar – Children will be working on their designs soon and the published calendar will be available for purchase early December.  This is a school fundraiser.

Parent Council News:

Our Parent Council is 100% focused on enhancing all Tayport’s children’s school experience. For Halloween they are organising goodie bags for every pupil and these will be issued on Friday 29th October. To support a Covid safe Halloween, all classes will make a spooky art/craft which could be stuck onto windows at home creating a spooky community display for families to spot if they are out and about over the Halloween weekend. As stated in the school calendar there will be no dressing up in school.

Parent Council Christmas Raffle – A Christmas Raffle will run throughout December, with the draw happening the weekend before the Christmas holidays. Funds raised from this will help towards the Christmas parties and the panto. We will be looking for donations nearer the time for both an Adult Raffle and a Children’s Raffle.  Ticket information will follow nearer the time.

If you wish to get involved in fundraising throughout the session, with the parent council you may be interested in participating in their “Bonus Ball”. Many people from the wider community and school are already involved. The funds raised go directly towards covering the costs of the Halloween goodie bags etc.  If you would like more information about the Bonus Ball you should contact the Parent Council via their Facebook Page:

I am sure you will join me in thanking everyone involved for their generosity and efforts in making events special for the children. There will be a Parent Council meeting early into term 2.