All posts by Mrs Tweed

Weekly Update – 25 January 2022

This week all our classes are focusing on the Achieving school value allowing us all to make progress.  To do this children need to know where they are in their learning and what their next steps are.  By the end of last week a copy of pupil’s learning steps was sent home.  Here are two creative primary 4s whose class decorated the learning steps with our new vision “On TRACK to a bright future”:

We would encourage you to ask your children about this learning and how they will know that they have been successful.

As our Scots language focus comes to a conclusion Achieving Certificates will be awarded to each class’ three finalists at Learn to Learn on Friday.   Here is this week’s Achieving video:


Homework is an important part of your child’s learning and is set weekly. P1-3 use Seesaw and P4-7 uses Glow or paper copies. Please encourage your child to engage and complete all tasks to a high standard. If there are any issues regarding homework please contact the class teacher to update.

Covid-19 Mitigations remain in place in school. However we have booked provisional dates for Tempest to take individual/family photos and whole class photos.  Please note the dates below and remember this will be entirely dependent on Covid mitigations at the time and therefore are tbc.

  • Individual/Families – Monday,14th March
  • Group photos – Wednesday 4th May

Weekly Update – 18 January 2022

School Calendars – we still have a supply of 2022 calendars which have now been reduced to £3 a copy.

Parent Council Meeting – the next parent council meeting is planned for Wednesday 2nd February at 7pm, on Teams.  If you would like to join the meeting or have any issues you would like raised please contact the parent council team here.

P1 Enrolment now open – Fife’s online enrolment system for pupils due to start primary one in August 2022 is live from Monday 17 January 2022.  All parents/carers of any child eligible to start primary one in August 2022 should submit an enrolment application online at

The deadline to enrol your child(ren) for Primary one is 15 March 2022. The deadline to apply for a placing request application is 15 March 2022.  It would, however, be appreciated if you could apply online no later than 18 February 2022 to give school staff the opportunity to process all enrolments/placing requests as quickly as possible.

This week we are focusing on the Responsibility school value and are looking forward to celebrating success with this at learn to learn on Friday. Here is the information about this:

 Scottish Booktrust – some superb resources to support reading at home:

Weekly Update – 10 January 2022

Happy New Year to all our families! Today we have launched our new school vision and values click here to find out more.  Children are focusing this week on our Thinking Value.  Here is the message shared with them this morning:

As you will understand we have tightened up our Covid-19 procedures again in school and so ask that you support us in keeping everyone safe by:

  • all adults in our playground wearing a facemask,
  • adults not gathering in groups (particularly at the side entrance)
  • ringing the bell at the school office and waiting outside (even if the door is open). Someone will come out to see you.

School Calendars – we still have a supply of 2022 calendars which have now been reduced to £3 a copy.  Please contact the school office or send money in an envelope with your child’s name and class clearly labelled, if you wish to purchase.

Current P6s – Ardroy note of interest – Following our information evening in December current primary six pupils will receive a paper letter with further Ardroy information today. This information includes a return slip to express interest in the trip or not and whether financial support from school is being sought. Once we have reviewed all responses we will confirm the booking for August 2022 (Covid-19 restrictions permitting) and share the proposed payment plan. Please send the note of interest slip back by return.

Nursery – Our nursery section of the website has general information,  nursery deferral contacts and deadlines as well as newsletters. access here.

Our local community police officer has asked us to share the following:  Vodaphone are offering a limited number of free downloads on these three internet safety themed kids’ books. There are also free activity sheets for each story.  A fairytale for the digital age | Vodafone Digital Parenting

Weekly Update – 21 December 2021

Thank you for your support! The parent council Christmas raffle was a great success. The final amount raised will be updated in the new year. We still have a supply of coloured pupil designed 2022 Calendars for sale at £6. Please contact the office ASAP.  Again we appreciate your support.

Congratulations and a huge well done to Ciara, Ava-Ruth, Zoe, Poppy and Hamish who performed in the Tayport Amateur Dramatic and Musical Society show “Nativity The Musical” from 8th to 11th December. We are proud of their dedication and commitment over the previous months, resulting in being part of a great community event.  #community  #inspire

Mid-session reviews and Learning Steps home – please return learning step jotters asap (with your signature and comment).  #progress

Draft School Calendar for Jan – April 2022 – has been updated on the website but is a work in progress! Please keep checking here.

From 6th January 2022 – We continue to operate with various Covid-19 mitigations in school. We had hoped by the New Year that we would have more flexibility with children mixing, however, this is not the case. For various reasons we plan to make one change to the current bubble structure operating at breaks and lunchtimes. On our return to school in January Primary 4 will switch bubbles with Primary 2/3.  For your information lunch times are structured as so (first 20 minutes in the dinner hall):

Bubble 1 – P1, P1/2, P2/3 –Lunch 12:00 – 12:45

Bubble 2 – P5/6, P6/7, P7 – Lunch: 12:25 – 1:10

Bubble 3 – P3, P4, P4/5 – Lunch: 12: 50 – 1:35

Vacancies at Tayport Primary:  There are a number of cleaning posts in North East Fife schools available. Our recruitment advert for another pupil support assistant has been extended too.

Weekly Update – 13 December 2021

Mid-session reviews and Learning Steps home – please enjoy sharing your child’s learning together. Jotters should be returned by end of week with comments from you and signed.

Parent Council Raffle Tickets – still available. Check their Facebook page for an impressive list of prizes.

Class Christmas Parties – Just a reminder of plans for this week and the start of next:

School 2022 Calendar For Sale– Envelopes with order slips were sent home last week. Please get back to us ASAP.

Covid-19 Safety – with ongoing concerns around the new variant, where possible adults should avoid entering our playground, physically distance from each other and wear a face covering at all times. There are some changes to isolation rules if anyone in school becomes infected with the new variant. We will update families if this happens.

Christmas Cheer Videos to be shared on Friday 17thClasses are finalising their Christmas cheer song and we hope to share this, via the website, on Friday.  A link will be emailed to first contacts on Groupcall.

Refreshed School Vision and Values – After a lot of collaborative work, our young Learning Leaders have finally agreed our updated school vision and values. We will trial these next session and make any improvements before finalising during term 4. A short video will be created to explain this soon. In the meantime, you can view details here:

Weekly Update – 6 December 2021

Class Christmas Parties – Dates have been set for class Christmas parties below. Although two classes are against a date, due to ongoing Covid-19 mitigations classes will use the gym hall separately. If desired, on party days children can come to school in “party wear” .  All children will receive a selection box to take home following their party.  Please remember the Parent Council is funding the parties and selection boxes through its fundraising work and would welcome families’ support for the Christmas raffles through ticket purchasing and prizes.

Tues 14th – P4

Thurs 16th – P5/6 & P4/5

Fri 17th – P6/7 & P7

Mon 20th – P1 & P1/2

Tues 21st – P2/3 & P3

Click here for other dates for December

2022 Designed School Calendar Fundraiser –

Please expect an order slip and envelope sent home with pupils this week.

P6 Ardroy Residential information Evening – Ardroy staff will host an information evening for P6 families on Tuesday 7th December at 6 pm on Teams. The link has previously been emailed to all families.

Link to Tues 7th Dec meeting on Teams at 6 pm

 Nursery Deferrals – Fife is part of a pilot programme giving parents the option of deferring children whose birthday is after 17th August 2022. All information will be emailed to families or can be accessed on our website here: Nursery Deferral Information

Pupil Support Assistant Post – closes midnight 9 December.  PSA vacancy has arisen in school. Please share around the community. PSA at Tayport PS Advert

 Tiny Tangerines Programme at Dolphin Centre – Michael Anderson, the Early Years Development Officer from Dundee United Community Trust is running the Tiny Tangerines programme, a physical literacy programme that is for nursery aged boys and girls. He currently runs sessions at the Dolphin Centre in Tayport every Friday from 1pm – 1:45pm and 2pm – 2:45pm. All information can be found at their website  here

Winter Fuel Discounts – You usually get a Winter Fuel Payment automatically if you receive the State Pension or another benefit, such as Pension Credit (but not Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support or Universal Credit). If you qualify, but don’t get paid automatically, you’ll need to make a claim:  here

Perth Christmas activity – Information can be found on the Community section of our website. Note there is a 10% discount code if you book before 8th Dec (excludes Saturdays).

Fife’s Virtual Library Links for w.b 6th December:

Weekly Update – 29 November 2021

Anti-Bullying Fortnight and sharing our learning

We will be sharing our learning from anti-bullying fortnight later this week. In the meantime here is a little sneak peak!

 Tayport Heritage Trail – All children will bring home a brochure about Tayport’s Heritage Trail as well as a rubbing sheet, this week. During 2022 we plan to use the trail as a whole school outdoor learning experience. In the meantime, we have added a link to the community section of the website:

School Photo Survey – Thank you to those who completed the short photo survey last week. 22.2% of families responded and of this group the results were:

53% – would like both a class and an individual/ sibling photo if possible later in the year.
42% – would like an individual/sibling photo only.
5% – did not want a school photo at all.

Based on these results we will contact Tempest and find out what they can offer next term.

Nursery Newsletters – We have added a section to our website to allow easy access to nursery newsletters:

Learning Leaders – Pupil participation in decisions affecting the future direction of our school is crucial to ensure we are making the right changes for the correct reasons. This week Mrs Tweed is meeting representatives from every class to review the suggestions for the refresh of our School Vision and Values.  More updates to follow.

Parent Council Christmas Raffle Tickets – raffle tickets were sent home last Friday and should be returned to school with payment as soon as possible.  You can drop off any prize donations at the school office (please do not send in children’s bags).

Toy Drive Self-Referral – Final call to anyone who would like to self-refer their children to receive a gift from the Toy Drive (information about this was emailed last week) Complete this form by 1 December

P7 to S1 High School Enrolment –  It has been agreed to trial an online enrolment system for Primary 7 pupils due to start secondary school in August 2022. Please see information letter sent to all P7 parents/carers.  P7S1 Online Enrolment

Fife Virtual Library: Online focus this week is  Hannukah as well as the usual story times, Bookbug, crafts and more.


Weekly Update – 22 November 2021

An enormous thank you for your generosity! We raised £312 for children in need on Friday 19th November!

The parent council has donated £600 to support development of our outdoor learning space (£400) and Room 7 “The View” (£200). More details to follow.  We appreciate the school community’s support in improving our learning offer in school.

Anti-bullying Focus – Week 2 – After a very successful first week focusing on kindness we continue our work on making our school a welco

ming, safe and happy place for everyone. This week children will practise using our “Being cool at Tayport School” script. Please keep an eye on our twitter feed for updates:

We look forward to sharing our whole school learning around this very important subject next week.

Covid-19 Mitigations – Existing COVID-19 safety mitigations in schools are to remain for now, following advice from senior clinicians. This has an impact on plans for the festive period.  If you wish to read details around Covid-19 safety expectations in schools please follow this link:


  • The parent council has generously donated £1.50 per pupil to support Christmas Parties. Teachers will confirm party dates w.b. 6 December. Every child will also receive a small selection box from the parent council too.
  • To support the parent council’s great work they will be running an Adult and Children’s Christmas Raffle from 1 – 14th December with the draw taking place live over the weekend of 18th/19th .If you would like to donate please contact the parent council click here for contact details. Prizes can also be dropped off at the school office (please do not sent items in children’s school bags). Information on purchasing raffle tickets will be sent home shortly.
  • School Christmas Lunch and Christmas Accessory Day [wear usual school uniform with a Christmas jumper or head band or…] is Wednesday 15th
  • Each class will prepare and perform a Christmas song (linking to expressive arts curriculum) this will be recorded and shared online with our Tayport Community as a “Christmas Cheer” event on Friday 17th

Pupil Designed 2022 Calendars – The children have been busy preparing their designs for our school calendar fundraiser. The calendars will be £6 a piece and we are ordering 150 to be printed. Details of how to order will be released shortly.

School Photos – Thank you for your patience while we investigated alternative options for school photos. After much consultation we have decided to stay with Tempest Photography as we are satisfied with their product and the level of PVG and GDPR. Currently, Tempest will only do group photos outside, not individual. Our hope is in the new year restrictions will be lifted.  In the meantime, I am asking you to complete a very short form by 12 noon on Thursday 25th November to understand if there is demand to purchase school photos during this academic year:

Fife’s Virtual Library have some great dianosaur activities available this week: