All posts by Mrs Tweed

End of Term

Thank you for your support throughout this school year.   I hope we can continue to build on the many successes this year to an even brighter future for all our young people.   A huge thank you to all our teachers, admin and support staff and beyond who make Tayport Primary and Ferryport Nursery the nurturing and caring places they are.  Wishing everyone a safe, happy and restful summer break.  Please remember you can contact me on:

Staffing Update:

Mrs Simpson has been offered a post at Guardbridge Primary School from August and so Friday 28th June will be her final day at Tayport.  Mrs Simpson has been with us for almost 11 years and has fulfilled many roles and she will be greatly missed.  That said we are delighted for Mrs Simpson to have this opportunity and we support her fully in this move.

We are also very pleased to confirm that we have secured Miss Harrison, our current P4/5 teacher, to take the P6/7 class from August.

Classes for August:  While all children have been allocated to classes for August please remember that there could be some movement following the summer break.  We will notify families of any changes as early as possible.

Dates for the start of term 1:

19 & 20th August – Inservice days 1 & 2 – school closed to pupils

Wednesday 21 August – Pupils return.

Wednesday 4 September – 3:15 – 4:15 pm – Meet the Teacher

School Uniform reminder for August:  Thank you to everyone who continues to support us by ensuring children wear our school uniform.   For referencce details of our uniform can be found on the website: see details. 

On gym days please wear dark bottoms [no logos] and plain t-shirts.  No football tops or jeans. If there are any difficulties around uniform please get in touch – we are happy to help.  We will contact families directly next session if there are any ongoing uniform issues.

School Meal Price Increase August 2024 – Effective from Week Commencing 19th August 2024

  • 2 course meal will increase to £2.50 for Primary 6 and 7, Secondary Pupils.  Nursery, Primary 1 to 5 are still entitled to a free school meal.

Health and Wellbeing survey results – with your pupils for P5 to S6 across Fife: HWB results

Weekly Update – 25 June 2024

We had a wonderful P7 Leavers’ Ceremony yesterday evening in school.  The P7 cohort proudly presented to their families and sang their leavers’ song.  We were very proud of them and wish them all every success as they move onto to high school after summer.

Final reminders:

Tuesday – 11:15 – 12:00 – Transition visits to new classrooms and teachers

Friday – 10 am – End of term gathering at Church – all welcome.

School closes at 3pm on Friday 28th June for summer break.  We reopen to pupils on Wednesday 21st August.  If you need to contact Mrs Tweed with any family updates or changes over summer please email:

Here’s a chance to view our learning for the past year:

Term 4 learning

Term 3 learning

Term 2 learning

Weekly Update – 18 June 2024

Please take a look at our sharing our learning Sway which captures many of the wonderful experiences and achievements this term: click here

We have appointed our Principal Teacher for August.  Mr Steven Fox will join us from Leuchars Primary School and we look forward to welcoming him then.

We celebrated our silver rights respecting school award AND silver reading school awards with a whole school treat of ice poles last Wednesday!

Emails will be sent directly to families today with details of new classes and teachers for next session.  Due to pupil roll we will have 5 composite classes next year resulting in quite a bit of movement by children between classes. Fife Council’s Composite Class Information.

This Friday P1-7 will visit the Planetarium in Tayport Primary School’s Sports Hall!

Pupil Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday too.

Message from the Larick Centre:

The Larick Centre would like to know if parents would be interested in attending an Internet and Phone Safety advice session with a focus on social media. This will be run by Fife Council and will take place in the evening. If we have enough people interested, then we will go head.

Please contact Susan Davie @ The Larick – (01382) 549727

Message from Newport Scouts:

Dear parents/carers,
I am a Scout leader in Newport and have children at Newport primary school.  I am looking to recruit an assistant Scout leader to help me in running the troop from after the summer. Our Scouts are from several primary schools including Tayport.
Over recent months the Scouts have been enjoying a range of activities including a canoeing expedition, fires, backwoods cooking, ultimate frisbee, camping, first aid, making model aeroplanes, climbing and shelter building. Encouraging the development of these young people through the Scout Movement is immensely rewarding.
I’m looking for someone to support the majority of our weekly meetings with me (term time only, currently on a Monday 7-8:30pm but could change to suit). No outdoor qualifications are necessary as we use qualified instructors for the more adventurous activities! If you are keen but not able to commit to every week please do get in touch too, as it may be possible for several people to share the role.
If you are interested and may be able to help please email me (
Kind regards,

Weekly Update – 10 June 2024

Each term we gather samples of the great learning going on across the school to share with you.  The term 4 sway is almost finished but we are sharing now as there is so much in it already! click here to view.  Next week we will update  the wider achievement news.

Dates for next couple of weeks:

10 – 11 June – Design a moon lander STEM challenge entries to be dropped off – full name and class must be on model – winners announced on 12 June.

11-13 June – P7 transition visits at Madras

12 June – Final MAD groups

12 June – 6pm – new P1 family information evening

13 June – New P1s transition visit (11-12 pm); 12-12:30 – New P1s school lunch;        P4/5, P5/6 and P6 – community litter pick

14 June – 1:45 – 2 pm – DEAR (“Drop Everything And Read”) time – whole school –

21 June – Planetarium arrives at Tayport PS – all classes to visit.  Reports and new classes issues.

25 June – AM – Transition visit to new class and teacher

28 June – 10am  End of term celebration at Church

Message from Active Schools:

I am delighted to showcase all of the fantastic opportunities our young people and families have across the local area to participate in sport and physical activity. The below SWAY details all of the club and partners community session information! Please click the link below to access a whole new community through sport!
A reminder that Active Schools are running Family engagement sessions across week 1 of the holidays too and that we are still adding to these sessions! To register click the link below 
Please note our Community Use camp is now fully booked, however, we are operating a wait list. 
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on the details below
Thank you,
Madison Garland 

Weekly Update – 4 June 2024

What a wonderful sports day on Friday! We appreciate all the help from our volunteers and to Tayport FC for hosting us.  Thank you.

Classes for 2024-25 – with Mrs Peterson moving on after the summer we are currently advertising for a Principal Teacher.  This process has an impact on allocating teachers to classes for next session.  We plan to share 2024-25 classes with report cards on 21st June, however, if we are able to do this earlier we will!   Children will meet their new teacher and class on Tuesday 25th June.  With current pupil numbers we are anticipating a change to 5 composite classes and 4 straight year groups. Almost without exception composite classes are decided on pupil’s date of birth.  For your information the maximum composite class size is 25, with a minimum of 4 children from a year group. Here is Fife’s information regarding composite classes click here

Safety online – the following website has been recommended by social work to support parents/carers in navigating online safety with young people: click here.

Reminders for this week:

Rights Respecting School Silver Accreditation visit on the morning of Thursday 6 June.

Friday 7 June – 1:45 – 2:45 pm – the Tidy Team are running their uniform pop up shop.  Please come along for some clean pre-loved uniform for next year! P7 will also be running their chocolate tombola alongside the pop-up shop.

Weekly Update – 27 May 2024

Tempest group photo orders must be in by Friday 31 May latest

Foodbank Collection – the Community Champion MAD group is organising a foodbank collection for The Tay Bridgehead Foodbank from 27 – 31 May.  All donations can be dropped off at the school office.  Please see a list of suitable donations on the link here.

Sports DayFriday 31 May at Tayport FC Sports Ground.   The weather forecast for Friday is variable so we will monitor this over the week and notify you via Groupcall email if rain means we need to reschedule.  If the weather is sunny/hot then parents/carers should apply sun screen before school and provide a hat.    All children must bring their own full water bottle to the sports ground , fruit will be provided for snack.

Each year group will participate in 3 races.   P1-3 events will start by 9:40 am and should be finished before 10:30am.  P1-3 will then return to school.  Following P4-7’s 3 races, P5-7 will compete in the Endurance Race.   The Scott Mill trophy has now been retired but medals will be awarded to boy/girls who are 1/2/3 place.

House colours: Morton – Blue; Kinshaldy – Yellow and Scotscraig – Green

P7 are busy fundraising for their “Big Day Out”.   They are hosting a pupil only summer fete on the afternoon of  Wednesday 29th May.  There will be a range of activities costing around 20p.  They also plan to run a chocolate tombola alongside the Tidy Team’s pop up uniform shop on Friday 7th June.  They would welcome any chocolate donations big or small.

National Biscuit Day at school lunches – Wed 29th May

Reminder holiday on Monday 3 June – school closed to staff and pupils

Weekly Update – 20 May 2024

World of Work Week – we are looking forward to a busy week of visitors in school and online to hear about a variety of careers.  Thank you so much to all our volunteers.

Parent Council dress down in sportswear fundraiser last Friday raised £71.06. This money will go towards sports day.

Foodbank Collection – the Community Champion MAD group are organising a foodbank collection for The Tay Bridgehead Foodbank from 27 – 31 May.  All donations can be dropped off at the school office.  Please see a list of suitable donations on the link here.

Walk to school week – as part of our school travel plan pupils log their mode of travel to school every day.  This week is national walk to school week so we are encouraging everyone to get walking! Walk to school week information

Recently a local family donated their mother’s funeral collection to the school.  To round off our whole school space topic the money is being used for a big treat – Tayside Planetarium will set up in the sports hall for the day [21st June] and all classes will have an immersive space experience!  Click here for more information.  Sincere thanks go to  Ella Finlay’s family for providing this amazing experience for all the pupils at Tayport Primary.

Reminder about the STEM Challenge for families to build an Moon Lander Egg Drop by 10th June – STEM Challenge Term 4

P6 Families – Belmont information session – today (Monday 20th) at 5pm in the Sports Hall.  Please enter via sports hall door. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Health Hub MAD group’s Reading Café tomorrow – Tuesday 21st – 9:30 – 10:15 am.

Active Schools has been very impressed with the work in school around the daily mile:

Weekly Update – 13 May 2024

The Parent Council have asked that we have a dress down in sportswear for 50p [no football tops] on Friday 17th May.  This is to help cover the cost of fruit for everyone on sports day.  This Friday is also our final house games which is run by the house captains.  The theme is athletics and everyone will have an opportunity to take part and earn points for their house.

The STEM Challengers MAD group is launching a family challenge this week. They will present the Space themed challenge at Learn to Learn on Wednesday.  The challenge will then be emailed to all families.

Our writing curriculum afternoon was well attended last week.  We are still gathering photos and will share them with you shortly.  If you managed to attend but did not complete the feedback form you can access it  here.

If you are collecting your child for an appointment, transition visit etc during the school day you must notify the office that you have arrived and are taking them away.

Weekly Update – 6 May 2024

Tempest Group Photos – Tuesday 7th May – everyone in school uniform please even if it is usually a gym day.

Parent Council Meeting – Tuesday 7th May at 6pm. at school.  All welcome.

The Health Hub MAD group is organising and running a healthy tuck shop on Wednesday 8th May before break time.  It will cost 30p to try a selection of healthy snacks.

Inservice Day 5 – Thursday 9th May – school closed to pupils.

Writing Curriculum Afternoon – Friday 10th May 1:45 – 2:45 pm.

Community Champion MAD group is organising a foodbank collection from 27 – 31 May.  More information to follow.

Weekly Update – 29 April 2024

The school calendar has been updated for this term – please look over.  Access on our website: here.

  • Tempest class group photos on Tuesday 7th May – school uniform to be worn even if it is a usual gym day.

Thank you to those who have offered to be part of our “World of Work” week.   You should receive an email this week with a proposed date and time to share. The form is now closed.

On the 1st March the Health Hub organised a Kitbag event to promote the Kitbag resource we use in school. (This was purchased with funds from the Tesco Community Grant). There was also an opportunity to visit the Zen den, have some refreshments and meet  members from The Kitbag team.  Thank to everyone who attended and  take a look at Kitbag Online via the link: here.
Ferryport Nursery’s latest newsletter can be accessed here.
General reminder: If you allow your child to use social media please check their accounts daily to monitor content.