Weekly Update – 13 February 2023

World Book Day plans Click here to see our plans for World Book Day 2023.

We have added some information to support children’s wellbeing to our Parent/Carer section of the website: click here for a direct link.

Fife’s Neurodevelopmental Webpages – Launch – Fife Council are launching a website to signpost staff and families to. The purpose of the site is to clarify what we mean by Neurodevelopment, and to provide information on referral, diagnosis and the support available. Going forward, this will be a crucial tool in how we share information on our processes and the advice we can make available to families. The site has very recently gone live, and the Test of Change project team have asked if I would share it with staff and  families. Importantly, the project group is looking for feedback on the site content and structure as part of its future development. Users can leave feedback using the link that is included at the foot of each page. https://girfec.fife.scot/

Inservice Day – Wednesday 15 February – school closed to pupils.  Teachers  and nursery staff will be updating their Child Protection knowledge.   Teachers will also be reviewing learning environments and considering how they can be improved.  We will be reviewing our school improvement plan to date and identify any next steps. Mrs Simpson and PSAs are attending a De-escalation workshop and this will support refreshing our positive behaviour policy.  New flooring on the main staircase will be fitted during inservice and the mid-term holiday.  

Thursday 16 and Friday 17 February – Mid-term Holiday – School closed.