Weekly Update – 21 February 2022

Our school value focus this week is Thinking. Today our school captains visited every class to explain more about the thinking value.  Tomorrow (22 February) is officially  World Thinking Day – https://www.wagggs.org/en/what-we-do/world-thinking-day/  This has been celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship linked to the 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 150 countries.

World Book Day – this year’s theme is “You are a reader”.   We will not be dressing up for world book day but a full day of literacy fun will be enjoyed on Thursday 3rd March.

Here is a link to family resources to support a love of reading:  https://www.worldbookday.com/families/

The Scholastic book fair arrives this Thursday (24th February) for one week.  An email will be sent to all families tomorrow to share how you can browse and purchase books.  We have £1 book tokens available to each child too.

Parent teacher meetings – expect a letter on Wednesday which will allow you to book a telephone appointment with class teachers from w.b. 14 March – 23 March.  Please return promptly.

Storm damage – some of our sports hall windows are damaged from the recent storms and are being checked.  Therefore, the sports hall is currently out of use. We hope to have the matter resolved quickly.