Weekly Update – 8 February 2022

Our school value focus this week is Kindness. Here is the launch video:

On Friday P2/3 plan to share their learning from Scottish Mental Health Week and Kindness at Learn to learn.  P3 also plan to share their safer internet day learning. We are looking forward to hearing from both!

Safer Internet Focus Week  theme is All fun and games?  There is some excellent and up to date advice on this theme for parents and carers here

Covid-19 Safety Remindersall Scottish schools continue to operate under C-19 safety mitigations. Some families have contacted us concerned about the number of adults crowding in our playground and those not wearing face masks.  Please support us in school by keeping everyone safe and reducing the spread and impact oF absences from Covid-19 within our school community by maintaining physical distancing from other adults and wear a face mask.

A huge thank you to our amazing Parent Council team. We had a successful meeting on Teams last Wednesday. We learned that the Parent Council Christmas Raffle raised over £1500! Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser.

Parent Portal – A letter will be emailed this week to all families regarding Fife’s Parent Portal which gives access to services such as the My Scot card etc. Just over 25% of Tayport families are already signed up to the parent portal and it is hoped to increase the number.  Please check your emails and in the meantime for general information look here: https://www.fife.gov.uk/kb/docs/articles/education2/schools-in-fife/parentsportal.scot

Dates for your diary – please check the calendar section of the website by clicking here. Please note the Scholastic Book Fair arrives on the 24th February on the lead up to World Book Day.