Weekly Update – 29 November 2021

Anti-Bullying Fortnight and sharing our learning

We will be sharing our learning from anti-bullying fortnight later this week. In the meantime here is a little sneak peak!

 Tayport Heritage Trail – All children will bring home a brochure about Tayport’s Heritage Trail as well as a rubbing sheet, this week. During 2022 we plan to use the trail as a whole school outdoor learning experience. In the meantime, we have added a link to the community section of the website: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/fi/tayportps/community/tayport-heritage-trail/

School Photo Survey – Thank you to those who completed the short photo survey last week. 22.2% of families responded and of this group the results were:

53% – would like both a class and an individual/ sibling photo if possible later in the year.
42% – would like an individual/sibling photo only.
5% – did not want a school photo at all.

Based on these results we will contact Tempest and find out what they can offer next term.

Nursery Newsletters – We have added a section to our website to allow easy access to nursery newsletters: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/fi/tayportps/nursery/newsletters/

Learning Leaders – Pupil participation in decisions affecting the future direction of our school is crucial to ensure we are making the right changes for the correct reasons. This week Mrs Tweed is meeting representatives from every class to review the suggestions for the refresh of our School Vision and Values.  More updates to follow.

Parent Council Christmas Raffle Tickets – raffle tickets were sent home last Friday and should be returned to school with payment as soon as possible.  You can drop off any prize donations at the school office (please do not send in children’s bags).

Toy Drive Self-Referral – Final call to anyone who would like to self-refer their children to receive a gift from the Toy Drive (information about this was emailed last week) Complete this form by 1 December

P7 to S1 High School Enrolment –  It has been agreed to trial an online enrolment system for Primary 7 pupils due to start secondary school in August 2022. Please see information letter sent to all P7 parents/carers.  P7S1 Online Enrolment

Fife Virtual Library: Online focus this week is  Hannukah as well as the usual story times, Bookbug, crafts and more. https://sway.office.com/gFeQMbAWp4nbE5TN?ref=Link