Weekly Update – 29 April 2024

The school calendar has been updated for this term – please look over.  Access on our website: here.

  • Tempest class group photos on Tuesday 7th May – school uniform to be worn even if it is a usual gym day.

Thank you to those who have offered to be part of our “World of Work” week.   You should receive an email this week with a proposed date and time to share. The form is now closed.

On the 1st March the Health Hub organised a Kitbag event to promote the Kitbag resource we use in school. (This was purchased with funds from the Tesco Community Grant). There was also an opportunity to visit the Zen den, have some refreshments and meet  members from The Kitbag team.  Thank to everyone who attended and  take a look at Kitbag Online via the link: here.
Ferryport Nursery’s latest newsletter can be accessed here.
General reminder: If you allow your child to use social media please check their accounts daily to monitor content.