Weekly Update – 29 May 2023

Sports Day – thank you for your support in making Friday such a successful day.  I was very proud witnessing children displaying our school value of kindness to themselves and others.

Walk to School Week – Tayport Primary School placed third out of 66 Fife schools that took part!  Well done to everyone and let’s keep it up!

Parent survey – we are in need of your feedback to support next year’s school improvement planning so a link to a short survey is included in this week’s weekly update email. Thank you in advance.

P7 Fife Boys’ Cross Country Champion – Harry Robinson competed and placed first in this highly competitive race last week.  Harry also won the endurance race at Friday’s sports day.

Headlice – some classes have ongoing issues with recurring headlice.  Please can everyone keep combing and checking regularly! click here for NHS advice,

Classes for 2023-24 – our staffing is yet to be confirmed for next session so classes cannot yet be set.  It is anticipated we will be able to share new class structures and teachers by 9th June.

Dates to the end of term:

  • Monday 5th June – Holiday
  • Tuesday 6th June – Inservice Day 5 – school closed to pupils.
  • Friday 9th June – Sharing our Learning from 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm. You are welcome to come into our classes so children can talk about their learning. A bell will ring at 2:45pm so all visitors leave the building.  Children will depart as usual at 3pm.
  • w.b. 12th June – Final week of homework.
  • 13-15th June – P7 transition visits to Madras
  • Wednesday 14th June – 6pm – New P1s Information evening
  • Thursday 15th June – P1-6 children have transition visit with new class teacher.
  • Friday 23rd June – School report cards issued.
  • Monday 26th June – 6pm – P7 Leavers’ Ceremony (P7 families only)
  • Friday 30th June – 10am – End of year celebration and gathering at the Church – everyone welcome. School closes at 3pm.