Weekly Update – 13 January 2025

Class learning overviews for term 3 are now available on our website, click here and then select the relevant class.  Please use the learning overview as a useful tool to talk with your child about their learning throughout the term.  Remember that the teacher’s email address is also on the learning overview.   Please email them any news of your child’s successes from out of school.

P1 applications for August 2025 are now open.  Please apply promptly.  You can access more information here.

Headlice – already this term we have had a few cases of headlice reported.   Please note:

  • A head lice infection cannot be diagnosed unless a living louse has been found on the head.
  • Anyone with hair can catch head lice, meaning that the problem, whilst often more prevalent in children, is not unique to them
  • Regular checking of children’s heads is important, but it is a parental responsibility.
  • Insecticide treatment should never be used as a preventative measure as the use of insecticidal products on a regular basis may result in insecticidal resistance. Insecticide lotions should only be used when a living louse has been found on the head.  NHS advice.

Please refer back to last week’s update for dates for this term.