Donations for the Toy Drive needed! Please drop off unwrapped gifts as soon as possible!
Pupil Progress Meetings – just a reminder that teacher meetings are for ten minutes. To support the smooth running of the evening a bell will ring every ten minutes.
Beauty and the Beast – thank you to those who have already paid. Full details here: Panto information
Coats – two requests! Please send all children in with a coat every day. We always try to get outside and will do so even in light rain. Put your child’s name on the coat. We have a few missing coats – please can everyone check at home.
Park n Stride Site – As part of our Travel Action Plan, the Active Travel Team were tasked with identifying a ‘Park and Stride’ site a close distance from the school. They chose The Common as the perfect spot.
The Active Travel Team aims to promote daily active travel and to reduce traffic at the main entrance to the school. Therefore, they hope that the new park and stride location will help achieve these targets. Click on this link to find out more information: JRSO and Active Travel Team
The Family Support Service has asked us to share their latest update: click here
Keepng children off school advice: 2024-04-child-off-school-a4