End of term 1

We couldn’t end the term without sharing some exciting news.  Last weekend two of our pupils proudly took part in events to mark 25 years of the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh.   Highlights included meeting the former First Minister and the King’s guards, seeing the Scottish crown, listening to debates and even meeting the King and Queen!  We are very proud of our Tayport Primary pupils! #On TRACK to a bright future!

Our House Captains ran a very successful first “surgery” to invite classes along to share any issues.  They are already putting plans into action!

Thank you to those who attended our Reading Café on Tuesday – it was great to have such a big turnout and we appreciated all your positive feedback particularly about how well the P5-7 pupils ran the café.

We have jammed a lot into the past 7 weeks – please remember to look at the class showcases click here and leave us some feedback.

Wishing all our families a lovely October break.  Please remember Café Inc is offering cold packed lunches at the Larick Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We will welcome everyone back on Monday 21 October.