Weekly Update – 23 September 2024

Silver Rights Respecting School grand unveiling by the house captains this week:

Every month we focus on a specific children’s right.  As our anti-bullying focus fortnight ends we are moving onto Article 19 so we can put into action all the work around #operation_kindness.
A huge thank you to our Parent Council volunteers for organising  a very successful summer Fete on Friday evening.  Approximately £800 was raised to go towards the cost of transporting P1-7 to the pantomime in St Andrews.
All pupils designed 2025 calendars for sale – if you did not make it to the Fete the calendar is still available for £1.  Please send in money in an envelope with your child’s name and class as soon as possible.  All left over calendars will be sold at the Larick Centre’s winter market in November/December.
Sharing our learning – we are trialling a new way of sharing termly class learning.  Next Monday the weekly update will contain links to your child’s class’s page on our website.  A summary of learning linked to the learning overview shared at the beginning of term will be there.
Asda Cash Pots – if you shop in Asda [or your extended family does] please link our school for some easy fundraising.
P1 Photos – will also be in the following newspapers:
  • The Courier – Thursday 26th September
  • Evening Telegraph – Thursday 3rd October

Ragbags are being collected on Wednesday (25th) this week.

Please check the link below to access Active Schools latest North-East Fife: Clubs & Partners Sway (September 2024). We have a growing list of local clubs & partners sharing opportunities for children and young people from Nursery, P1-S6, Adults and Families.