Weekly Update – 25 June 2024

We had a wonderful P7 Leavers’ Ceremony yesterday evening in school.  The P7 cohort proudly presented to their families and sang their leavers’ song.  We were very proud of them and wish them all every success as they move onto to high school after summer.

Final reminders:

Tuesday – 11:15 – 12:00 – Transition visits to new classrooms and teachers

Friday – 10 am – End of term gathering at Church – all welcome.

School closes at 3pm on Friday 28th June for summer break.  We reopen to pupils on Wednesday 21st August.  If you need to contact Mrs Tweed with any family updates or changes over summer please email: tayportps.headteacher@fife.gov.uk

Here’s a chance to view our learning for the past year:

Term 4 learning

Term 3 learning

Term 2 learning