Weekly Update – 27 May 2024

Tempest group photo orders must be in by Friday 31 May latest

Foodbank Collection – the Community Champion MAD group is organising a foodbank collection for The Tay Bridgehead Foodbank from 27 – 31 May.  All donations can be dropped off at the school office.  Please see a list of suitable donations on the link here.

Sports DayFriday 31 May at Tayport FC Sports Ground.   The weather forecast for Friday is variable so we will monitor this over the week and notify you via Groupcall email if rain means we need to reschedule.  If the weather is sunny/hot then parents/carers should apply sun screen before school and provide a hat.    All children must bring their own full water bottle to the sports ground , fruit will be provided for snack.

Each year group will participate in 3 races.   P1-3 events will start by 9:40 am and should be finished before 10:30am.  P1-3 will then return to school.  Following P4-7’s 3 races, P5-7 will compete in the Endurance Race.   The Scott Mill trophy has now been retired but medals will be awarded to boy/girls who are 1/2/3 place.

House colours: Morton – Blue; Kinshaldy – Yellow and Scotscraig – Green

P7 are busy fundraising for their “Big Day Out”.   They are hosting a pupil only summer fete on the afternoon of  Wednesday 29th May.  There will be a range of activities costing around 20p.  They also plan to run a chocolate tombola alongside the Tidy Team’s pop up uniform shop on Friday 7th June.  They would welcome any chocolate donations big or small.

National Biscuit Day at school lunches – Wed 29th May

Reminder holiday on Monday 3 June – school closed to staff and pupils