Weekly Update – 13 May 2024

The Parent Council have asked that we have a dress down in sportswear for 50p [no football tops] on Friday 17th May.  This is to help cover the cost of fruit for everyone on sports day.  This Friday is also our final house games which is run by the house captains.  The theme is athletics and everyone will have an opportunity to take part and earn points for their house.

The STEM Challengers MAD group is launching a family challenge this week. They will present the Space themed challenge at Learn to Learn on Wednesday.  The challenge will then be emailed to all families.

Our writing curriculum afternoon was well attended last week.  We are still gathering photos and will share them with you shortly.  If you managed to attend but did not complete the feedback form you can access it  here.

If you are collecting your child for an appointment, transition visit etc during the school day you must notify the office that you have arrived and are taking them away.