General Information
Thank you to all of you who managed to attend our AGM Parent Council Meeting last Thursday – we had a really good turn out.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7 May at 6pm.
Thank you also to the Health Hub and Peer Mediators for running our Kitbag and Konnect session on Friday afternoon. You did a great job!
What’s on this week?
Tuesday 5 – Pupil Progress Meetings 3.30-6pm
Rag Bag collection in by today
Wednesday 6 – Rag Bag Collection
Thursday 7– World Book Day – Come to school in your Pyjamas and bring your favourite book!
We have a great day of literacy planned to celebrate World Book Day!
No bikeability today
Friday 8 – Pounds for Primaries Tokens – in by today please.
Looking Ahead
Tempest Photographer for Individual photos on Tuesday 12 March
Reading Café for Stem challengers and Global Citizens 0n Tuesday 12 March
Pupil Progress Meetings – Thursday 14 March 3.30-6.30pm
Red Nose Day – Friday 15 March. Wear something RED and donate 50p
P1 online enrolment closes at midnight on Friday 15 March
Scottish Opera – reminder to pay £8 per head towards the cost of this. Thank you to those of you who have already done so.