Weekly Update – Friday 29 September 2023

Dates for this week:

  • 3, 4 and 5 October – 9 – 9:30am – P1-P3 – Shared Starts. Please join your child in class on one of these morning to learn more about how we approach learning.
  • 3 October – 9:30 – 10:15am – our first Reading Café will run in the small hall.  Children from the Learning Leaders and Reading Council MAD groups (only) have invited a visitor along to share a story and a cuppa. All other children will have the opportunity to do the same on the four other Reading Café dates later in the year.
  • 6 October – 3pm – school closes for Autumn break, returning on Monday 23 October.

Now that we have a date for P5-7 Scottish Opera in March 2024 the school calendar has been updated. click here to see on website.

Staffing news – Miss Irvine will start her maternity leave after the break.  We welcome back this week Mrs Duncan following her career break over the past few years.  Mrs Duncan will work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday covering various classes.

Milk Fund – payment now due for term 2.

School and Nursery Improvement Plans and Standards and Quality Report for 2022-23 – The previous year’s standard and quality report has been uploaded to our website. click here.

Auld Kirk Event ; Art & Crafts Fayre October 2023 poster (1)

Active Schools in partnership with local community activity providers are delighted to share with you our first instalment of our proportional widows. I have attached a link to our SWAY document in which you can find all of the offerings that we have within our local area for pupils and adults to access.