Weekly Update – 18 April 2023

Scaffolding – The scaffolding around the school building is to allow for essential repair work to be conducted on the spire roof.  It is likely to be in place until August.  Children are being urged not to go near the barriers and to leave the playground promptly at the end of day due to possible vehicle access.

The school calendar has been updated click here. Please note the following:

Thursday 4th May – Head Teacher Coffee Morning – 9am – Come along and have a coffee and chat with Mrs Tweed.

Friday 5th May – Donate a £1 and Dress Down in Red/White/Blue and wear a crown for the King’s Coronation.  (School closed for an additional public holiday on Monday 8th May).

Tuesday 9th May – Tempest whole class photos. School uniform to be worn even if a usual PE day.

Friday 26th May – Sports Day.  The venue is Tayport football ground.

Friday 9th June – 1:45 -2:45 – Sharing Our Learning Open House – all families are invited into classrooms to find out what we have been learning this term.

Thank you for your feedback regarding our March Pupil Progress Meetings.  This has been summarised for you:

Birthday Cakes – we politely request that birthday cakes are not sent in to be shared in classes. Due to allergy risks and the impracticality of teachers cutting up cakes please note that going forward any cakes that are sent in will be returned for the parent/carer to distribute.

Active Schools Update from term 3 –  Madison Garland, Active Schools Co-ordinator has asked that we share her update: click here.