Weekly Update – 30 January 2023

New flooring – just a reminder that over this week new flooring is being laid on the back stairs and other rooms.

Scots Poetry Performers – On Friday at Learn to Learn we focused on our school value of Achieving and the importance courage plays in doing things such as reciting a poem in front of others.  We celebrated the courage and performance of all those who won certificates.

Reminder of upcoming dates:

  • Bookfair arrives Friday 24th February  in school leading up to World Book Day (Thursday 2nd March).  Plans for World Book Day will be shared shortly.
  • P5-7 Scottish Opera Performance – Monday 6th March – afternoon
  • Tempest individual school photos – Wednesday 8th March
  • Tempest group class photos – Tuesday 9th May

Learning Steps Jotters – following your feedback in December Learning Steps jotters will not be sent home week beginning 6 February and instead will shared with you at teacher parent meetings in March.

Attendance monitoring – a routine attendance check will be run week beginning 6 February.  Where attendance is below 85% you will be notified.

It can be tricky deciding whether to keep your child off school, nursery or playgroup when they’re unwell. It can be tempting to keep our children at home to stop them spreading or catching a bug.  The following advice may be helpful: Click here for parent information on website.

Digital Parenting – resources/advice will continue to be added to our website. click here

Fife Music Service is seeking feedback on parent/carer awareness of Instrumental Music provision within our primary schools. They would greatly appreciate your feedback via a short Microsoft Forms questionnaire. Please scan the QR code to access the form. The form will close on Tuesday 14th of February: