Weekly Update – 25 October 2022

Welcome back! It was lovely to see everyone yesterday and looking so smart in school uniform too!  As more children begin to wear coats and sweatshirts it is even more important that names and classes are on all items. The learning overviews for each year group should be with you next week, and these will have reminders about gym kit and gym days.  Children need to bring their own water bottle daily.

We are delighted to share that over the holidays Miss Farrell (P2/3 class teacher) became Mrs Murray.

Mrs Avery has decided to take a break from teaching to try something new and her last day will be next Tuesday (1st Nov).  Mrs Avery has been a valued member of the Tayport teaching team since 2013 and we wish her well.   Until a permanent replacement is found for Mrs Avery’s two days, we have a supply teacher called Mrs Hutchinson who will work with a number of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Poppy Appeal – every year we participate in the Royal British Legion’s poppy appeal.  We have a supply of poppies and a collection box in school from today.  Our house captains will visit classes daily to give all pupils the opportunity to take part.

School Calendar – Please remember to check the school calendar for dates for your diary for this term.  We have our first informal Head Teacher and Family coffee morning on Thursday 10th November at 9am in our small hall.  Please come along for a chat and a cuppa.

The school calendar has been updated: click here.