Weekly Update – 13 September 2022

The school calendar has been updated for the year go to on website. There are some new events such as a termly informal coffee morning with Mrs Tweed.  Please note that a small group of P7s are organising a Macmillan coffee morning on Thursday 29th September 9:30 – 10:45 am. They are looking for donations of baking in the hope of raising money for this worthwhile cause!

Today sees the start of our “Making A Difference” or MAD groups where all pupils will belong to a group which will lead an aspect of improvement in the school.  Here’s a wee preview of what’s to come:

Foodbank donations – Our Community Champion MAD (Making A Difference) group is organising a Tayport Community Fridge foodbank collection from20th September, The school donation will be handed in before the October holidays.

Parent Council – As the AGM on 21 September (6:30 pm at school) approaches please note that a  joint chairperson would be considered.

Parent night bookings – We have had an excellent uptake with the online booking system this session. If you have not done so yet please book a slot for an update on children’s progress.

Monday 19th September – It was confirmed yesterday that all Fife schools will be closed for the day of national mourning.