Weekly Update – 29 August 2022

We have launched our whole school health and wellbeing programme – Building Resilience -.  This term’s learning focus is “Be resilient”.  We will use our Learn to Learn sessions and time in class to learn ways that we can become more resilient. A parent information leaflet has been uploaded to each class team and a talking homework activity will be posted there  too.

P7 Residential Week – We set off today and are looking forward to an action packed week together.  Mrs Tweed, Miss Gallacher (P7 teacher) and Mrs Holt (PSA) will be accompanying the trip.

The class learning overviews have been shared with you via Seesaw and class teams.  They have also been uploaded to our website: click here .  We look forward to hearing if these overviews have improved your understanding of what your child is learning at school.

The Parent Council AGM will be held on Tuesday 21 August at 6:30 pm in school.  We are still looking for a new Parent Council chairperson.

Please order either a school dinner or send in a packed lunch.  We have a number of children attempting to eat both at lunch time.