Weekly Update – 22 August 2022

What a wonderful first week back! The children are all looking so smart in their uniforms – thank you! We enjoyed coming together on Friday at our first “Learn to Learn” assembly. We welcomed all our new children and staff to Tayport Primary and introduced them to our school vision and values.

PE day summary:

P1 – Wednesday & Thursday

P1/2 – Tuesday & Wednesday

P2/3 – Tuesday & Thursday

P3 – Tuesday & Thursday

P4 – Wednesday & Friday

P4/5 – Wednesday &  Friday

P5 – Wednesday &  Friday

P6 – Monday & Thursday

P7 – Monday & Wednesday

Please can children come to school in PE kit on the days listed below wearing plain dark shorts or track suit bottoms, plain white/ red/ house colour t-shirt and their school jumper. Send in a jacket daily even if the weather is good (with their name on it please). Children should bring a full water bottle every day. We do not have spare bottles or cups to provide drinks throughout the day.

Meet the Teacher this Wednesday 24th August.  You will have the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom and meet their class teacher informally.

We have finalised the dates for parent teacher meetings to: Thursday 22nd September 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm and Tuesday 27th September 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm.  You will receive details on how to book next week. Click here for other dates for your diary for term 1

Following your feedback last session regarding how we share what your children are learning, all classes are preparing a termly learning overview which will be shared with you via Teams/Seesaw.  A copy will also  be available on the website.  This overview will tell you  about our whole school themes, planned literacy and numeracy work and other curricular learning.  There is also a section on how you can support learning at home.  We anticipate sharing these with you by the end of this week.

Parent Council – As you all know our Parent Council is an important vehicle to share parent voice about school.  It also works very hard to raise funds for the school and by doing this they support a lot of the work e.g. funds towards resourcing the P1-3 outdoor play area and The View activities (such as baking resources).  They also put a lot of effort into gifting all nursery and school children treats throughout the year.  Sherree Rennie is stepping down as Chair Person of the Parent Council at the AGM (date tbc) and a replacement has yet to be found.  If we do not have a Chair Person then the Parent Council will be dissolved. This would be a huge blow for the school and community so I am putting a shout out for anyone who would consider taking up this role.  To find out more please use the contacts here.   Or phone the school office for contact information.

Link to Nursery’s August newsletter: click here.

Information received from Active Schools about clubs starting in our community: click here to go to community section