Weekly Update – 27 June 2022

Thursday 30th June

End of Term Service – 10am at local Parish Church:

  • All classes will be seated in church before any visitors are allowed in. Your child must stay with their class at all times.
  • The P7s will perform their Leavers’ Song and the Norcross Community Shield and Alison Johnstone Memorial Cup for Overall Progress and Achievement will be awarded.
  • At the end of the service please allow all classes to depart before leaving your seat.

Please remember school lunches are only offering a cheese or ham roll on Thursday.

3pm – This year when the final bell goes the P7s will exit the Sports Hall door. All the other classes will create a pathway from the sports hall steps for the P7s to walk through, all the way to the top playground (at the main entrance).

The simple map below will give you an idea where your child’s class will be as they will be dismissed from the playground once the P7s have passed.

  • P7 parents have organised for two pipers to lead the P7 procession. This will be very loud so parents may wish to keep younger children back.

August – when we return in August P1-7 pupils should be wearing school uniform.  Children will continue to wear sportswear on gym days. Please can this be plain black or grey tracksuit bottoms and a red or white plain t-shirt.  Click here for school uniform reminders Please put children’s names on all items please.


Ongoing issues with head lice. Please keep checking and combing!