Weekly Update – 20 June 22

Sharing Our Learning – today 1:45 – 2:45pm.  Click here for the details

Tuesday 21st June from 11am – our network is being upgraded and therefore we will have no phones or internet from 11am.  An email was sent last week with details of how to contact school, in case of emergency only, during this time –  07872699253.

Sports Day Thanks – we really are fortunate to belong to such a generous community.  Special mentions and thanks to:

Medals – The Tayport Arms.
The Fruit – Lawson’s Letting Agency.
The Water – CJ Lang.
The Mill Family – Scott Mill Memorial Shield.
Tayport Football Club – The Facilities

The Summer Reading Challenge is almost upon us and this year it is Gadgeteers which follows a STEM theme. Kids again will be encouraged to keep their reading going throughout the holidays and visit the library to sign up for FREE. They will be asked to read 6 books for the challenge and will get prizes at each stage and a goody bag at the end for completing. The challenge starts on Sat 25th June. As well as the challenge we will have STEM themed Storytimes and crafts as well as other activities thought the summer in our libraries.