Weekly Update – 17 May 2022

We had a Parent Council meeting this evening (17th) at 7:30 pm via Teams but it has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.  Contact details for the parent council can be found click here

Congratulations to our P4 dance group who came third in their category in the Fife Virtual Dance Championships 2022! Huge thanks to Mrs Simpson for training and bringing the entry altogether.

Last week 4 pupils represented Tayport at the cluster tennis tournament at St Andrews.  Well done to everyone involved!

Our World of Work Week kicked off yesterday with an interesting virtual input from one of our parents who is a 3D animator. The children were very interested to hear about this career and the skills learned in school, such as creative writing, art and model making that contributed to this.  We have a varied programme across the week with presentations to come from a prison officer, teacher, architect, depute procurator fiscal, assistant shop manager, and a head of marketing!   A few in person visits are also in place from local business Foodmek, a farmer from Kettle Produce and an animator.  It has been wonderful to connect with our families in this way.  Many thanks to all our presenters who are giving up their time this week to promote learning in this area.

As we begin to set our school improvement priorities for next year we would welcome your feedback on our curriculum. A very short survey was emailed to families yesterday.  Please let us know your thoughts, the survey will close on Friday 20th.