Weekly Update – 10 May 2022

Important Reminder – No Nuts in School – please ensure any snacks and lunches have no loose nuts or food items with whole nuts as a main ingredient e.g. snickers bars.  Across the school we have children with severe nut allergies and we need everyone to follow this guideline.

General security – at 9am the main office door is usually open to allow classes to enter. If any parent or carer needs to speak to the office staff please ring the bell (even if the door is open) and wait outside. Someone will come to you.

P7 Bake Sale – our primary 7s are organising a bake sale to raise some funds towards their leavers’ events in school.  There will be more information to follow but the sale is on Friday 20th May.

Tempest Photos – if you planned to send your photo orders for individual or sibling photos into  school they must be received today (Tuesday 10th) but you can still order directly online.  Class group photos to be taken on Wednesday 11th too – children should wear school uniform even if it is a gym day.

Thank you to all the families who have supported classes by accompanying them out on the Tayport Heritage Trail. It has been wonderful to get outdoors and into our community.