Weekly Update – 3 May 2022

Tempest Class Group Photos – has changed to Wednesday 11th May.  Please send children in school uniform, even if it is usually a PE day!

School Calendar updated Here

  • Inservice Day – Thursday 5th  – school closed to pupils.

School Uniform – as more routines get back to normal we ask that children return to wearing school uniform daily unless it is a class PE day when children should come dressed in suitable exercise clothes (no jeans or Football tops)  Click here for a reminder of uniform colours.  Our supplier (BE Uniforms) has contacted us to ask families to order school uniform early due to supply issues. This can be done online too: https://www.border-embroideries.co.uk/schools/tayport-primary-school.html

Parent Council Meeting has moved to Tuesday 17th May, 7:30 pm on Teams

P3-6 Cluster Tennis Competition – Please read details and complete the form if interested: Complete form by 3pm on Friday 6th May

Community page updated with an Active Fife Walking challenge for the month of May: Click here