Weekly Update – 22 March 2022

We are focusing on the kindness value this week. At Learn to Learn (Friday’s assembly) we will be celebrating all our strengths and differences linked to International Neurodiversity Celebration Week – ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Tourettes – and how kindness is always our response to any diversity.  The following clip will be used to promote discussion around ASD: https://youtu.be/Ezv85LMFx2E

Some may be interested in this range of neurodiversity resources for parents: https://www.neurodiversityweek.com/parent-resources

Thank you to those parents who said they would be willing to take part in our virtual job fair. You will receive an email this week with further information about this. If anyone else is interested in sharing some information about their job during term 4 with classes please email me directly: tayportps.headteacher@fife.gov.uk .

Tayport Heritage Trail’s website is now up and running. http://tayportheritage.com It offers a wealth of local information. As a school we plan to utilise the trail next term. More information to follow.