Weekly Update – 1 February 2022

Our school value focus this week is Connecting. Not only are we looking at making connections within our learning but also reaching out and connecting with our Tayport community. Here is the launch video:

As part of the local “Cultivate” project through the community garden, many classes are getting involved in creating a vision for Tayport in 2030.  shaping the future of Tayport with the local community garden.  Click here to find out more.

We have a significant number of Covid-19 positive cases in school, please remain vigilant to your child displaying symptoms.  Schools continue to operate under Covid-19 safety mitigations, one of which, is ensuring good ventilation in all spaces where children and adults are in school. This can result in the temperatures being cooler in classrooms. We encourage children to wear extra layers. It would be greatly appreciated if top layers were red or black and without large branding motifs. This promotes a sense of belonging and being part of our school.

Parent Council Meeting this Wednesday 2nd February at 7 pm.  Contact the parent council via this website.  Click here to join the meeting

A few children are bringing footballs into school and playing unsupervised before 9am, resulting in a few minor incidents.  There should be no football being played in the playground before 9am.