Weekly Update – 18 January 2022

School Calendars – we still have a supply of 2022 calendars which have now been reduced to £3 a copy.

Parent Council Meeting – the next parent council meeting is planned for Wednesday 2nd February at 7pm, on Teams.  If you would like to join the meeting or have any issues you would like raised please contact the parent council team here.

P1 Enrolment now open – Fife’s online enrolment system for pupils due to start primary one in August 2022 is live from Monday 17 January 2022.  All parents/carers of any child eligible to start primary one in August 2022 should submit an enrolment application online at www.fife.gov.uk/applyforaschoolplace.

The deadline to enrol your child(ren) for Primary one is 15 March 2022. The deadline to apply for a placing request application is 15 March 2022.  It would, however, be appreciated if you could apply online no later than 18 February 2022 to give school staff the opportunity to process all enrolments/placing requests as quickly as possible.

This week we are focusing on the Responsibility school value and are looking forward to celebrating success with this at learn to learn on Friday. Here is the information about this:

 Scottish Booktrust – some superb resources to support reading at home: https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/home-activities