Weekly Update – 13 December 2021

Mid-session reviews and Learning Steps home – please enjoy sharing your child’s learning together. Jotters should be returned by end of week with comments from you and signed.

Parent Council Raffle Tickets – still available. Check their Facebook page for an impressive list of prizes. https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/fi/tayportps/parental-involvement/parent-council/

Class Christmas Parties – Just a reminder of plans for this week and the start of next:

School 2022 Calendar For Sale– Envelopes with order slips were sent home last week. Please get back to us ASAP.

Covid-19 Safety – with ongoing concerns around the new variant, where possible adults should avoid entering our playground, physically distance from each other and wear a face covering at all times. There are some changes to isolation rules if anyone in school becomes infected with the new variant. We will update families if this happens.

Christmas Cheer Videos to be shared on Friday 17thClasses are finalising their Christmas cheer song and we hope to share this, via the website, on Friday.  A link will be emailed to first contacts on Groupcall.

Refreshed School Vision and Values – After a lot of collaborative work, our young Learning Leaders have finally agreed our updated school vision and values. We will trial these next session and make any improvements before finalising during term 4. A short video will be created to explain this soon. In the meantime, you can view details here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/fi/tayportps/