Weekly Update – 17 November 2021

Antil-Bullying fortnight Please keep an eye on our Twitter feed for updates on our OneKindWord focus fortnight.  We have set up a new area on the website with helpful links and resources for parents which we will continue to add to. Click here to go to the anti-bullying section of our website

The staff and children are also trialling “Being Cool at Tayport School” scripts and we plan to share these is this area too once they are finalised.

Children in Need – Dress Down this Friday 19th.   Please donate £1 if you can.  We have created a Just Giving Page, directly linked to Children in Need, to avoid cash coming into school. If possible please donate here: click here to donate on just giving 

  • Please note £2 is the minimum donation on JustGiving. If you wish to donate less this, it is no problem, just send cash into school on Friday. Apologies for this inconvenience.

Parent Council Meeting on Teams on Thursday 18th November at 7:15pm.  Here is the Teams Link to join: Join parent council meeting 18 Nov at 7:15 pm

If you wish to contact the parent council go to their section of our website here

Our Community section of the website has information about the local toy drive and also some of our primary seven pupils laying our poppy wreath at the Tayport War Memorial. Later in the day a group of primary ones also visited the Memorial Garden to lay miniature poppies on crosses in the grounds. #lestweforget

An Ardroy 2022 Information evening has been arranged for current P6 families. Click here to find out more on the website.