Weekly Update – 29 October 2021

Halloween: Tayport Primary children have been preparing Halloween art this week to hang in a window at home to create an informal Halloween trail.  Over the weekend, you may wish to get active as a family and spot the spooky pictures around the town (look up high at school and you might spot a spider or too!).

A Halloween goodie bags is coming home today. Children have been asked not to open these before you check the contents at home. All items are vegan. These have been generously prepared and filled by your Parent Council.  The next Parent Council meeting has been arranged on Teams on Thursday 18th November.  Click here to see Parent Council information on website

P7 Residential to Ardroy – 1-5 November – Mrs Tweed, Miss Gallacher, Miss Narauskaite and Mrs Heggie will accompany the learning visit to Ardroy. Mrs Peterson will be first point of contact for all parents during these dates.  The bus will depart from school at 9:00 am on Monday so we anticipate that the main entrance will be extra busy on Monday.  In our grounds all adults are politely reminded to wear a face mask and to maintain 1m distancing from each other.

Flu Vaccine – The Immunisation team continue to delivery flu vaccination in schools, if you haven’t returned your child’s consent form, please do so immediately.  Tayport’s session is on Tuesday 9th November.  If your child misses the school session, please contact the team on 01383 565456 Fife.immunisationqueries@nhs.scot to make an appointment at a community clinic. Evening clinics will be available the week of the 1st of November.

Calendar updatesClick here to see school calendar section of website