Fundraising- Playground Redevelopment
This year, in response to children’s feedback. we have tasked ourselves with undertaking a joint venture, with the Parent Council, to re-develop the playground environments.
Last term we had a company visit the playgrounds to provide ideas and associated costs to purchase and install play equipment. As you can imagine, the costs are significant and we therefore need help.
Fundraising is going to take 3 forms:
- Application for grant funding to organisations such as The National Lottery
- We will be requesting a contribution for each of our school events across the next year eg for each family to attend the Bedtime story, African drumming assembly, Big Breakfast, School Ceilidh etc) with all funds raised going directly into our playground development fundraising pot.
- A whole school ‘Active’ sponsored event will be organised by our Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors in term 4.
Please note that contributions requested will still be voluntary and should not be a barrier to attending.
If you have other ideas re how we might raise more money or know of any funding streams we might source (eg through companies/organisations that you work for) please do get in touch.
Please see below for information on the equipment we are fund-raising for
K-45-3 – Somersault Bars x 3 – Info Sheet
CP-TVW – Traversing Wall – Info Sheet
CP-HLS – Hanging Log Steps Traverse – Info Sheet
CP-MBR3 – Monkey Bar Rings – Info Sheet
CP-BTL – Timber Boat Large – Info Sheet
K-77 K-77L – Log Train Engine + Log Carriage – Info Sheet