Thank you from The Darien

June 13th, 14th and 15th saw four amazing performances at the Byre Theatre, St Andrews.  This was the culmination of months of hard work from a dedicated cast.  Not only was this the premier of a brand new musical, but it was a first for Bell Baxter, performing at the Byre Theatre.  The cast and crew loved working in a professional theatre with incredibly helpful theatre staff.  This made the run very special for everyone involved, as everyone approached the project as a professional production, not a school show.

So, the expectations were high and (judging by the flood of praise we received) the audiences were not disappointed.  All of the actors owned that stage with enormous energy and confidence.  The crew enjoyed using the professional standard equipment and facilities to lift the production to a new level with the sound and lighting and backstage.

The show was the incredible reward of three years of work for Mr McNicol and Mr Robb.   A huge thank you and congratulations to all involved and to everyone who came along and supported us.  Keep your eyes peeled and you ear to the ground for news of the next show.  Mr McNicol and Mr Robb are already in discussion about the possibilities.  No definite decisions yet, but rumour has it that “Bring It On” is a strong contender.  Have a great summer.

Mr Robb & Mr McNicol