All posts by Mrs Jess

Weekly Information – 30th August 2024

Harvest Day – 11th September

In previous years we have celebrated Apple Day but this year we are broadening the theme to Harvest Day.

  • All children (Nursery-P7) will be invited to come to school wearing harvest colours – brown, green, yellow, orange, red – no uniform day
  • All children are invited to bring £1 to contribute to the cost of the day if they can.
  • All children are invited to bring in a vegetable from home – please support your child to know where the vegetable was grown so that they can share this with the class. (You will usually find this information on a shop label or it may be something your child grew at home)

The learning on the day will focus on food technology, food and health, the child’s right to nutritious food, food journeys and sharing.

Each class will make soup from the selection of vegetables brought in by the children.

Each child will bring home something made from the school apples as well as a bag of freshly picked apples.


Summer Reading Challenge

It’s not too late!

Newport Library is open tomorrow from 10-1pm. If your child has finished reading their six books, they can collect their medal and certificate and get entered into our finishers prize draw to win one of seven £20 Amazon vouchers or an author visit to the school during Book Week Scotland!

If your child did complete the reading challenge, please encourage them to bring their medal into school so that we can celebrate their success.


Borrow Audio Books Online for Free

Listening to audio books is a great way to explore stories as a family. Fife Libraries provide audio books for free through the Libby App. Click here for more details.


School Library

The Parent Council are launching an exciting project to set up a school library. This will give leadership opportunities for children as well as a chance for all children to borrow books to take home. It will enhance reading for enjoyment across the whole school. To run this project, we are looking for Parent Volunteers to join a library committee – the committee member will help keep the library tidy, read stories and/or help the children borrow books. Please email me at if you could get involved – it won’t be a big time commitment and we would be grateful for your help. All volunteers will undertake a PVG check before working with children on their own and we will give guidance and support to you all.


Message from Active Schools

Active Schools are currently running a volunteer recruitment drive within the Madras College Cluster, in which we are looking for volunteers to support us in the delivery and support of Extra Curricular sporting activity.
As you may be aware Active Schools Fife aim to provide more quality opportunities to take part in sport  and physical activity before, during lunchtime and after the school day and develop effective pathways between schools and sports clubs in the local community. We are currently striving to recruit volunteers both with or without experience in sport within the Madras College Cluster.
It is important to us to have volunteers input into your school where appropriate to provide a sense of belonging within the school and community.
This year we aim to:
– Increase the number of extra-curricular opportunities within our cluster schools.
– Consider targeted provision that best suits your schools needs.

Could you be a volunteer?

There are a number of different roles volunteers can carry out. These include – coaching, assisting the delivery of activity sessions, supporting events, refereeing, admin, marketing and mini bus driving. Training and support will be provided and volunteers with Active Schools have opportunities to learn new skills, gain experience and often qualifications. You can decide how often you would like to volunteer, we are flexible in our approach and we will work around your availability.
If you have a keen interest in a specific sport or just sport in general please fill out the below application form to begin your volunteering journey at your local primary school or at Madras College.

Thank you,
Madison Garland
Active Schools Coordinator
Madras College Cluster

Happy Holidays – Last Weekly Information

Save the Date
There will be an Internet Safety Session at Balmerino Primary School on  Tuesday 3rd September at 6pm. This is being hosted by Balmerino Parent Council for parents at both my schools.
The main topics parents are interested are:
– Setting up parental controls online
– Preventing cyberbullying
– Spotting signs of online abuse
– Guidance on social media and apps
– Mobile phone health and safety
The session will aim to cover those topics. A signup form will come out next term.

Summer Fair
We raised a fantastic £300.32 for school fund and £113.34 for nursery fund.

The Speech and Language Service off advice to any parent worried about their child’s speech or understanding:
From the Library Service:
Summer Youth Events

Weekly Information – 21st June 2024

New Reading Scheme

I am delighted to be able to tell you that we have bought a new reading scheme for the school. This is a modern scheme with up to date stories, pictures, characters and diversity and it fits better with the phonetic approach we take to teaching reading and spelling. A selection of the new books will be available for parents to browse at the summer fair and for anyone who feels they will miss Biff, Chip and Kipper, there will be a chance to take a bundle of the old books home! The new scheme is a significant investment for the school and it has only been possible to make the purchase due to a very generous £5000 donation from Peacehill Gas Community Fund and a further (and equally generous) donation of £500 from Parent Council.


Summer Fair and End of Year Event

The summer fair will start at 1.30 on Monday followed by the end of year event in the garden at approximately 2.15pm. All parents and friends of the school and nursery are welcome including those who Are joining the school in August.

So that cost is not a factor to children taking part, all children will be given **tokens** to play the following stalls:

Pyramid of Puzzles

Treasure Hunt

Hook the Duck

Lucky Dip

Beat the Goalie

Beat the runner



Pirate Pete’s Treasure Island

**Please make a donation of your choice on the gate to pay for your child’s tokens**

There will be a cost for the following stalls:

Face Painting

Soak the Headteacher



Usbourne Book Stall

Bake Sale (being run by Parent Council

All monies raised will go to school fund to further the experiences of the children at our school and nursery.

Please bring a picnic blanket or folding chair to sit on at the end of year event. The forecast looks promising at present but we should plan for wet grass. If it rains during the afternoon, we will

Summer Reading Challenge

This starts tomorrow! Pauline visited us at Assembly today to share the details. We encourage you to get involved if you can: Click Here for Details.


Waterstone Crook Football Camps

Please click here for information.


Cafe Inc

Café Inc will be back during the summer holidays for children and young people across Fife. It is a free lunch club providing tasty, healthy meals for our children and young people while our schools are closed during the holidays. No need to book, just turn up. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult, who can also have a meal.

Cafe Inc venues will all be listed on our interactive map, which is available along with other advice and help with the Cost of Living, at

Click here for information about the St Andrews Area


On Behalf of Public Health Scotland

You may be aware that we are currently seeing an increase in the number of people getting ill with measles.

If your child is about to start P1, please read this letter.

If your child is about to start S1, please read this letter.


It’s the Newport Festival Tomorrow

Here is the programme for the day:


Parent Council Minutes

Please click here to read the minutes of the most recent meeting.

Weekly Information – 14th June 2024

Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am delighted to showcase all of the fantastic opportunities our young people and families have across the local area to participate in sport and physical activity. The below SWAY details all of the club and partners community session information! Please click the link below to access a whole new community through sport!

 A reminder that Active Schools are running Family engagement sessions across week 1 of the holidays too and that we are still adding to these sessions! To register click the link below

 Please note our Community Use camp is now fully booked, however, we are operating a wait list. 

 Thank you,

Madison Garland 



Newport Festival

Click here for information:Newport Festival Poster



Children in their pre-school nursery year and in P1-7 will bring home their school report on Friday of next week (21st June). Please take time to read the report with your child and complete the feedback sheet together.



Seesaw Next Year

We will continue to use Seesaw iN Nursery-P7 next year, please look out for an invitation to join your child’s journal towards the end of the school holidays.



Ahead of next year, if your child will be in P1-7, please read the updated procedures sheet: A-Z ( A papercopy will also come home with the reports.

If your child will be in Nursery, please make sure you are familiar with the procedures in the nursery booklet: Balmerino-nursery-handbook-May2024.pdf (




Please check you know the dates for the rest of the year:

Monday 17th June – Nursery children going to Wormit PS for Puppet Show – please take your child to the front door of the school at 9.15am. Please note that there will not be space in the car park, you should park on the road and walk into the grounds. The front door is accessed by going in the pedestrian gate off Flass Road. If you can;t drop your child at Wormit, please email and I can help.

Monday 24th June – Summer Fair and End of Year Event – all parents invited to come to school for this in the afternoon. If it should rain, we will move into the hall and may need to restrict the number of parents coming. Fingers crossed it will be dry! P7 parents will hear their child’s memories whatever the weather!

Tuesday 25th June – P7s to Mountain Biking at Lochore Meadows

 Thursday 27th June – P1-7 Woods Day – children should wear outdoor learning clothes all day. Please send them with a packed lunch from home or order a school packed lunch through iPayImpact. Please apply sunscreen first thing and send them with a hat and a waterproof coat.

Friday 28th June – Last day of term 4 – Nursery celebration – details are on Seesaw


Weekly Information – 31st May 2024

Message from Parent Council

School Ground Improvements

Dear Parent/Caregiver, This week we held a productive Parent Council meeting with Mrs Jess and Mr Rose. One of the topics of discussion was how the school grounds could be improved. We are very enthusiastic about the possibility of working together with the school to develop the school playground.  We would like to ask for your thoughts on how you feel the school grounds could be improved and how Parent Council funds could be used to support this.

Potential Ideas:
1. Paint the playground walls – refreshing the play environment
2. Develop an outdoor learning classroom – multi functional space for teaching/play/social interactions
3. Create a school garden/vegetable planter – providing students with an opportunity to see a full plant life cycle, educational and encourages teamwork and responsibility
4. Upgrade the school sign – improving front of the school
We are very open to suggestions and would welcome your thoughts, please send an email to with your ideas on improvements to the school. We thank you in advance for your support on this matter. Kind Regards, Balmerino Primary Parent Council
Parent Council are always looking for new members and are currently recruiting for a treasurer. If you are interested in getting more involved, you can contact them directly at


Summer Fair
The summer Fair will be held on Monday 24th June at 1.30pm followed by the end of year end, in the garden (weather permitting –  or the hall if not).
More details will follow but at this point, please can you hand in any donations for tombola/raffle (bottles, chocolates, toiletries, new items, unwanted gifts…) You can hand in to the office or at the Nursery door.
We also need volunteers to help run stalls – please email if you can help. If you run a small business or have a craft etc interest, you are welcome to have a stall at the fair – £5 per table plus the contribution of a raffle prize. We would also be keen to hear from anyone with a talent for face painting.

Nursery and P1-7 Sports Day 
Fingers crossed the rain will hold of on 6th June for sports day. Please arrive from 1.15pm to the pitch. The children will come out and we will start at 1.30pm.  Parent Council would appreciate contributions for their bake sale – you can hand into the office in the morning. We will look forward to seeing you there. Children should wear kit to school all day – P1-7s can wear a t-shirt in their house colour if they have one or white if not. Please no cropped or vest tops and please apply sunscreen to your child at the start of the day. Nursery staff will top up if needed.

Summer Sandcastle Competitions

Everyone likes a free event in the summer! Click here for information…

Tesco Stronger Starts

Just a reminder that voting for the Parent Council project to set up a school library is currently open in Dundee Tesco Store – closing at the end of June. If you are in store, please pick up a blue token and pop it in the Balmerino slot!

Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent/Carer 
I am delighted to announce that Active Schools in partnership with Community Use are running a Summer camp from the 1st -5th of July at Madras College. This years summer camp will be our biggest yet with something for all of the family to enjoy. We have linked in with multiple services across the council to pull this together to ensure it is our best camp yet as part of the Active Fifers Working Group! I have listed below what we have on offer this far. Registration opens Saturday 1st June! 
Play Scheme – Multi Sport/ Activity 
Who – P1-P7 pupils
When – 1st July to 5th July 
Time – 9:30-12:30
Where – Madras College
Cost – £30 for the full week! 
To register your child for a place please contact Community Use on or call 01334 659354 
Family Afternoons 
Who – No age limit bring your whole family
When – Friday 5th July 
Time – 1:30-3pm 
Where – Madras College
Cost – Free
Activities – Rugby and Pickleball 
Teenager and Adult offering 
What: Curling 
Who – Aged 12-100
When – Friday 5th July 
Time – 11:30 – 12:30
Where – Madras College
Cost – Free 
We are still working with some partners to add even more to our programme! We will be in touch soon as more activities are finalised. 
Be sure to get signed up quickly as spaces don’t hang around long! We can’t wait to see you all there!! 
Thank you,
Madison Garland 
Active Schools Coordinator 



Weekly Information – 10th May 2024

Safe in the sun

From now until the end of September we recommend you apply sunscreen to your child each morning. Nursery staff can top up children if needed but P1-7 staff cannot. If you want them to, P1-7 children can bring a bottle of sunscreen in their bag and top up in the cloakroom at lunchtime but they need to be able to do this independently and you must make sure they know not to share due to allergies. Please don’t send your child to school or nursery with bare shoulders or wearing a cropped top – this includes for PE kit. I recommend longer shorts and skirts to protect the upper thighs which can also burn easily. Please remember waterbottles and sun hats too.


Madras Guidance Visits

The Madras Guidance Team will visit on Friday 17th May at 9.30am to meet the P7s and help them learn about their new school. They will also meet with Miss Diplexcito for face to face handover information.


Contagious Illnesses

Click Here to see a useful poster which has come into school regarding how long your child should stay off school when unwell. Please follow the advice on this poster if your child is ill.


Free Community Fun Day in July (SAMH mental health charity)

Weekly Information – 3rd May 2024

Message from Active Schools

I wanted to share this brilliant opportunity that Fife AC are offering our young people to participate in a series of running events:




Dates for this term

Monday 6th May – School Holiday

Thursday 9th May – Inservice Training Day – School and Nursery closed to pupils

Wednesday 29th May – Sports Day – all parents and family members welcome to join us on the pitch from 1.30 onwards

Monday 3rd June – School Holiday

Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th June – P7s on three-day Transition visit to Madras

Friday 21st June – P1-7 and pre-school Nursery Children bringing reports home

***Please note this is a changed date**** Monday 24th  June – Summer Fair and End of Year Event – all parents invited to come to school for this in the afternoon. If it should rain, we will move into the hall and may need to restrict the number of parents coming. Fingers crossed it will be dry! P7 parents will hear their child’s memories whatever the weather!

Tuesday 25th June – P7s going to Lochore Meadows for Mountain Biking – more information will follow.

 Thursday 27th June – P1-7 Woods Day

Friday 28th June – Last day of term 4

End of Term and Looking Ahead to Next

Café Inc Easter 2024 

Cafe Inc is a free lunch club for children, and young people. It provides tasty, healthy meals
for our young people, while our schools are closed during the holidays. No need to book, just
turn up. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult, who can also have a meal.
Cafe Inc venues will all be listed on our interactive map, which is available along with other
advice and help with the Cost of Living, at


Active Schools have asked us to share this poster:


Please make sure you have a note of these dates for next term:

Monday 15th April

– First day of term 4


Monday 6th May – School Holiday


Thursday 9th May – Inservice Training Day – School and Nursery closed to pupils


Wednesday 29th May – Sports Day – all parents and family members welcome to join us on the pitch from 1.30 onwards


Monday 3rd June – School Holiday


Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th June – P7s on three-day Transition visit to Madras


Friday 21st June – P1-7 and pre-school Nursery Children bringing reports home


Tuesday 25th June – Summer Fair and End of Year Event – all parents invited to come to school for this in the afternoon. If it should rain, we will move into the hall and may need to restrict the number of parents coming. Fingers crossed it will be dry! P7 parents will hear their child’s memories whatever the weather!


Thursday 27th June – P1-7 Woods Day


Friday 28th June – Last day of term 4

Weekly Information – 22nd March 2024


Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent / Carers, 
Please check the link below to access our latest North-East Fife: Clubs & Partners Sway (March 2024). We have a growing list of local clubs & partners sharing opportunities for children and young people from Nursery, P1-S6, Adults and Families. 
Message from Forgan Arts Centre

It’s getting closer to our children’s Spring Art Club at Forgan Arts Centre and we can feel the excitement building! With explorative arts and crafts activities and outdoor play in our vast grounds and mini woodland, we are here from 9am – 3.30pm over the Easter holidays. We are sure that we have something for every budding young creative! As well as our general places, we provide 4 free places each day for families on low income. Led by professional artists, we have a variety of activities which are listed by day via our website here: Forgan Arts Centre (

More information is available here: kids whats on Forgan Families

We hope to see you there!

Weekly Information – 15th March 2024

Upcoming Dates (March-May)

Wednesday 20th March – Parent Teacher Meetings 5-7pm – appointments are on Seesaw

Tuesday 26th March – Parent Teacher Meetings 3.30-5.30pm – appointments are on Seesaw

Thursday 28th March – Last day of term 3

Monday 15th April – First day of term 4

Monday 6th May – School Holiday

Thursday 9th May – Inservice Training Day – School and Nursery closed to pupils

Wednesday 29th May – Sports Day – all parents and family members welcome to join us on the pitch from 1.30 onwards


Decider Skills Workshop for Parents

This workshop is aimed at helping parents & carers both recognise and support their own mental health, but also develop skills they can use with children. Mrs Purves and I have both done this course and Mrs Purves has taught of the skills to children in P5/6/7. I really can’t recommend it highly enough. Please sign up in the following form if you’d like to attend:


Message from Families First, St Andrews

We would love for families and staff  to be able to come along on Saturday morning to support our coffee morning, it is drop in 10-12 at St Andrews Baptist Church. Also if any parents or carers would enjoy volunteering with Families First there are a number of roles available and the next round of training will be on Friday 19 April 2024. Please see the posters below for further details.  Families First is a wonderful charity supporting children and young people and their families with additional needs. We have lots of student volunteers but are seeking volunteers who are local and able to offer more stability. There are roles available during school hours and out with. We are particularly seeking volunteers who can support families and someone who would be able to help with web design using elementor/ word press. If you would like more information please email Laura Veitch .