Weekly Information – 2nd February 2024

Madras Visit

Mr Currie (Rector) and Mr Wishart (Depute) will visit P7 on the morning of 8th February. This is the first part of the Universal Transition Programme to Madras and a great opportunity for the children to begin to learn about their new school.


Wormit Choir

Four P6/7 Pupils will join Wormit Senior Choir from Tuesday. This is a great opportunity for them to visit and participate in an activity at a larger school. It is something which we offer each year.


Don’t forget these up coming dates

Tuesday 13th February – Pancake Day. All P1-7 children will get a pancake and drink at playtime. Please donate £1 towards the cost if you can. Nursery children will get a pancake in Nursery – no charge as this will be covered by Nursery contribution.

Wednesday 14th February – Inservice Training Day – School and Nursery closed to pupils

Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February – School Holidays

Tuesday 20th February – P1-7 STEM Afternoon – parents invited in to do a piece of STEM learning with their child.

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day – All children invited to wear a costume.


Parentwise Survey

Please complete the Parentwise Survey – it is open until 8th March. Click here to read more details and find a QR code to scan to go to the survey. Or click here to access the survey directly. All Fife Council Schools take part in the survey and your responses and comments will be collated and shared back to me. Staff and I will use the results to plan School Improvement Priorities for next year. We really value your feedback and I encourage you to take part.