Tag: Improvement

NEW – ELC Materials on National Improvement Hub in one place

All ELC support materials are now situated in one place on the National Improvement Hub.

Education Scotland have responded to feedback from users who said that materials and resources were hard to find.

Being collected in the one space within the Hub saves meaningless searches. It is also great to know the totality of materials that are available to help drive forward improvement for our wee fab Falkirk folk.

Make sure you save this link in your favourites and familiarise yourself with some great materials and resources.

Click here to spring into the ELC section of the National Improvement Hub

Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative

What is it?

The Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC) encompasses the EYC (Early Years Collaborative) and RAfA (Raising Attainment for All) programmes. It will remain closely aligned with the work of MCQIC (Maternal and Children Quality Improvement Collaborative) where the focus is on maternity, neonatal and paediatric healthcare settings.

Following the learning session in November 2016, Scottish Government have released new stretch aims for the CYPIC. Falkirk will address these aims through the Integrated Children’s Services Plan and through individual service plans.

For early years this service plan is currently the Early Years Workforce Development and Quality Strategy 2017-2020.  We would expect management teams in our ELC settings, to familiarise themselves with both of these Falkirk Council documents and to use these along with the 3 step improvement framework  to inform and support the improvement planning in their own setting.

Care Inspectorate Hub

Care Inspectorate have created an on-line support tool called The Hub.

The Hub provides ‘one-stop-shop’ access to a range of resources aimed at supporting improvement in the social care and social work sectors through the use and sharing of intelligence and research-led practice.

Accessible to all, the Hub provides a central point of access to a wide range of features, including:

  • A library of good practice guidance
  • Information on the latest developments in policy and legislation
  • Video based examples of innovative practice
  • Guidance to help users carry out their own research
  • Toolkits and resources aimed at supporting improvement

The Hub also supports a number of the Care Inspectorate’s purposes, including:

  • Acting as a catalyst for change and innovation
  • Supporting improvement and signposting good practice

Click here for the link to The Hub