Category: Quality Improvement

New Resource – Falkirk Early Level Self-Evaluation Audit Tool:Spaces

‘Physical spaces, both outside and indoors, should be constantly reviewed to incorporate a wide range of responsive, familiar, and exciting new play opportunities.

(Realising the Ambition 2020) 



National guidance and quality framework documents remind us how important it is to regularly reflect on the quality of the spaces we offer our children to support their learning through play.

To help teams with this self-evaluation work, Falkirk Council Early Learning team and NHS Forth Valley Speech and Language therapists have worked together to bring the wide and vast variety of national and local guidance and information available together into one, easy to use, audit tool.

The Falkirk Early Level Self-Evaluation Audit: Spaces tool can be used in both ELC and P1 settings, to support teams with their planning, evaluation, and moderation of high-quality play spaces.  The tool draws on all the resources already available to practitioners in Falkirk, including Realising the Ambition, enabling environments, literacy rich environments, visual communication audit tool, loose parts play, ECERS-E (2014), Kym Scott’s environment audit (2019), Marvellous Mealtimes audit, Falkirk Froebel Family advice etc. It has been split into four sections in line with Falkirk Council’s Play is the Way practitioner guidance about designing environments to support child-initiated learning.

  • Section A – Enabling environments indoors and outdoors
  • Section B – Social Play
  • Section C – Discovery/Investigatory Play
  • Section D – Creative Play

Within each section, some suggestion about areas of provision which might be found in each zone are given but these are given only as a starting guide.  Each setting should design their play spaces in the way which best suits their setting’s vision, available physical space and, the needs and interests of their learners.  Children themselves should play an active, participatory role in designing and improving their play spaces.

Falkirk Council staff and our private partner colleagues can access the Falkirk Early Level Self-Evaluation Audit: Spaces tool by downloading it from the Self- Evaluation for Self-Improvement document store within the Leadership and Management section of the Falkirk Early Learning Glow page.

Resources to Support Outdoor Play and Learning

National Guidance to support high quality Outdoor Play and Learning

Outdoor Play and Learning is a key priority in our Early Learning Quality Strategy.

There are a number of important national guidance documents to support this area of priority. It is really important that pedagogical leaders and teams are conversant with the main messages in this guidance.

Care Inspectorate has been in touch to say that every setting will receive a hard copy towards the end of July of the Space to Grow Indoor Outdoor Settings guidance. In the meantime you can access the document here via the Care Inspectorate HUB.

It is really important that we are all clear on what it is to be an indoor/outdoor ELC settings. This definition from the guidance is very helpful,

“An indoor/outdoor setting is a premises-based setting where the scale and quality of the outdoor space is appropriate for enhancing the child’s quality of play and learning experiences. High quality natural outdoor space combined with high-quality indoor space and quality opportunities and experiences for children are all taken into account when considering the number of children the setting is registered for. Both the indoor and the outdoor area must be accessible to the children 100% of the operational times. An indoor/outdoor setting will take account of the practices of a solely outdoor or satellite setting.” (emphasis added)

Page 8

We are absolutely delighted that our very own Nethermains Nursery Class is featured in the document (pages 29 & 30). If you are interested in finding out more, do not hesitate to contact Ashley Cupples, EY Pedagogue.

Page 26 gives practical hints and tips on what practitioners need to consider before embarking on establishing an indoor/outdoor approach.

The resource should act as a tool to be used in conjunction with:

Space to Grow

Out to Play

My World Outdoors

Practice Note: Early Learning and Childcare: Delivering High Quality Play and Learning Environments Outdoors

NEW – ELC Materials on National Improvement Hub in one place

All ELC support materials are now situated in one place on the National Improvement Hub.

Education Scotland have responded to feedback from users who said that materials and resources were hard to find.

Being collected in the one space within the Hub saves meaningless searches. It is also great to know the totality of materials that are available to help drive forward improvement for our wee fab Falkirk folk.

Make sure you save this link in your favourites and familiarise yourself with some great materials and resources.

Click here to spring into the ELC section of the National Improvement Hub

Our Creative Journey – New Resource

The Care Inspectorate has launched a new resource showing how the expressive arts can be used effectively in Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings.

Our Creative Journey is aimed at promoting good practice in all types of ELC settings.  The resource employs the GIRFEC wellbeing indicators to provide high quality, real-life examples of how settings’ creative use of the expressive arts have had positive results.  We in Falkirk will use this resource in our own ELC settings to look outwards and then reflect on how well our own expressive arts provision impacts children and young people’s lives.

Our Creative Journey

My World Outdoors

In Falkirk, we recognise that spending time outdoors and particularly in natural environments is good for all of us and especially for children. The Care Inspectorate have produced My World Outdoors with the aim of making a positive contribution to the further development of outdoor play as part of all early learning and childcare in Scotland.  Falkirk Council expect all it’s early years and childcare centres and practitioners to be providing high quality experiences in the outdoors and to be using this resource to understand Care Inspectorate expectations regarding risk-benefit assessment processes.  This resource should also be used to look outwards at the examples of good practice provided in this resource and to use these as a basis of reflection on the quality of outdoor play experiences practitioners provide in their own setting.

My World Outdoors


Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative

What is it?

The Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC) encompasses the EYC (Early Years Collaborative) and RAfA (Raising Attainment for All) programmes. It will remain closely aligned with the work of MCQIC (Maternal and Children Quality Improvement Collaborative) where the focus is on maternity, neonatal and paediatric healthcare settings.

Following the learning session in November 2016, Scottish Government have released new stretch aims for the CYPIC. Falkirk will address these aims through the Integrated Children’s Services Plan and through individual service plans.

For early years this service plan is currently the Early Years Workforce Development and Quality Strategy 2017-2020.  We would expect management teams in our ELC settings, to familiarise themselves with both of these Falkirk Council documents and to use these along with the 3 step improvement framework  to inform and support the improvement planning in their own setting.

Building the Ambition

All Falkirk Council early years practitioners should have a working knowledge of the Building the Ambition national practice guidance document; which was published by Scottish Government in August 2014 to set the context for high quality ELCC.  Setting management teams should ensure that they and their staff use the “putting the guidance into practice” questions and the guidance about what babies, toddlers and young children need in ELCC settings, for training, professional dialogue and reflection, monitoring and self-evaluation purposes, thus ensuring their practice creates “caring and nurturing settings that allow wellbeing, communication, curiosity, inquiry and creativity to flourish.”

A copy of Building the Ambition can be found here or through the links section.

  BtA National Improvement Hub

Care Inspectorate Hub

Care Inspectorate have created an on-line support tool called The Hub.

The Hub provides ‘one-stop-shop’ access to a range of resources aimed at supporting improvement in the social care and social work sectors through the use and sharing of intelligence and research-led practice.

Accessible to all, the Hub provides a central point of access to a wide range of features, including:

  • A library of good practice guidance
  • Information on the latest developments in policy and legislation
  • Video based examples of innovative practice
  • Guidance to help users carry out their own research
  • Toolkits and resources aimed at supporting improvement

The Hub also supports a number of the Care Inspectorate’s purposes, including:

  • Acting as a catalyst for change and innovation
  • Supporting improvement and signposting good practice

Click here for the link to The Hub