All posts by Mrs Mackinnon

Education City

Hello All,

I have extended the working time on Education City for task completion until 13th April to allow everyone the chance to log on and work through things. I know Education City has been particularly busy this week – the whole country must be trying to gain access at once!

After that date I will upload more tasks for you to try. In the meantime – get outside in this beautiful weather, try a task outside! If you’ve seen some ideas for Funnybones for next term, why don’t you go out and make a skeleton from outdoor items? Get some chalks out and do some drawings outdoors, work on making letters out of shells or pebbles, create a picture map of where the skeletons in the story live, using outdoor objects.

Do let me know how you are all getting on! Take care.

Mrs Mackinnon

Joe Wicks Online PE

Is anyone in P1-4 joining in with the Joe Wicks online PE session each morning?

Let me know if you are by dropping me a comment – I did it today and thought it was great!

…..and if you’re not – give it a try! If you can’t make 9.00am you can find it on youtube to use at your leisure!

Mrs Mackinnon

EM P1-4 WB 23rd – 27th March 2020

To Parents and children in EM P1-4.

I hope you are all keeping well.

I hope by now you have received some ideas for work for both spelling and topic ideas to get you started over the next few weeks.

I have uploaded some Numeracy work for everyone to have a go at through Education City. You should all have log ins for this site. I have to say this is the first time I have used the remote facility so we may have some teething problems next week. The work will become live on Monday 23rd and will remain up until Monday 30th.

I will then aim to get further work posted for 13th April and weekly thereafter.

So long as I remain well, you can contact me via email if you experience any problems whatsoever and I will do what I can to provide assistance.

Don’t forget to send me any photos of any work / activities if you can and will aim to add them to our blog page!

In the meantime keep safe,

Mrs Mackinnon