All posts by Mrs Mackinnon

EM P1-4 – Harry

Here’s something to cheer everyone up!

Can anyone tell me how I’m supposed to get any work done? Harry has found a new place while lockdown is in progress. He thinks I’m working too hard and so if he climbs onto the computer keyboard I will be forced to stop!

Isn’t he naughty?

Mrs Mackinnon

EM P1-4 Week Beginning 13/4/2020

Hello All,

There is some Maths work on Education City going live on Tuesday 14th April for you all to get started with. It will be available until Monday 20th.

Don’t forget your Joe Wicks at 9.00am!

I have all parent email addresses for sending out work so I will do this as soon as I can – keep an eye out for this coming.

Mrs Mackinnon