2 thoughts on “EM P1-4 Blog Entry 18th September 2020”
We’ve had a really busy weekend working in the garden and now we’re enjoying catching up with the blog before bed on Saturday night! Great to see everyone’s had another busy week and I certainly was delighted with Margaret getting another gold award! We’ll be trying hard with our 5s now (while Finlay keeps practising with his!!)
We’ve had a really busy weekend working in the garden and now we’re enjoying catching up with the blog before bed on Saturday night! Great to see everyone’s had another busy week and I certainly was delighted with Margaret getting another gold award! We’ll be trying hard with our 5s now (while Finlay keeps practising with his!!)
I am delighted that you are all reading the blog as a family. What a great way to finish your day!
Keep working on the tables!
Mrs Mackinnon