4 thoughts on “EM P1-4 Blog Entry 23rd August 2019”

  1. Hello from LMS Media group.
    We are learning about blogs and we are hoping to make our own one soon. We have had a look at your blog post and thought it was interesting and superb. We all enjoyed reading it .
    We really liked the pictures because it is great for younger pupils to see what is happening. Sophie was delighted to see her cousin Ann Marie’s success!
    Great to see what P1-4 are learning about at another school.
    Do you have any advice to help us make our own blog?
    from LMS Media group and Mrs MacLeod

    1. Hello LMS! Thank you so much for writing to us! It is great to know someone reads what we get up to in class.
      I always have my camera at the ready – so if something is interesting we have a record of it. We like sharing our interests and successes so often the blog runs with just what has happened during the week. I am the class teacher so I write the blog each week, but we always read what goes up in case anything has been missed out! The children often have ideas that should go into the blog at the time. Our parents sometimes leave us comments – and they tell me they read the blog most weekends – so that’s good also. Sometimes children leave us comments too. Good luck with your blog – we would like to see yours too!
      Mrs Mackinnon

  2. I love seeing all the pictures of everyone working so hard! The Highway Rat is a great topic, we love that book! Lois dressed up as the Highway Rat for World Book Day one year!

    1. Delighted you like it! We are all loving the story – “a baddie and a beast!” It is giving us all plenty of amusement.
      Mrs Mackinnon

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